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Posts posted by abherrma

  1. Anyone, please help me! I use Windows XP Microsoft Works word processor every day at home in my work as a medical transcriptionist, and just over the past couple months, I've discovered that the medical terminology which I've added to the WP dictionary through the spell checker has somehow been erased, so I am now constantly having to re-add words to the dictionary almost daily, and the next day find yet again that most of them are no longer part of my dictionary on the Works WP! Is there some setting I'm missing, could it be something wrong with my hard drive, something wrong with the software, does anyone know, can anyone help me?! I'm going insane having to do this every day, I do not have time for this! This is terminology which I use commonly and I haven't had a problem in the past with simply adding the words to the dictionary when I run the spell checker, but all of a sudden the spell checker is telling me that these words are spelled incorrectly when they're not, and it's because they're not a part of the dictionary, even though I've added them again and again. Any help on this would be extremely appreciated.

  2. :) Someone please help me! I have Windows XP and use Microsoft Works word processor every day at home in my job as a medical transcriptionist. I have always added my medical terminology to the general dictionary when I run the spell checker but in the past several weeks, any words that I have added to the dictionary have somehow not been saved to the dictionary, because the word processor program is constantly telling me that they are spelled wrong! This is driving me insane because I do not have time every single day to be re-adding all my medical words that I use commonly and that I have added to the dictionary, yet the words are somehow not being saved into the dictionary even though I add them when running spell check! Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? Is there some setting on my hard drive or within the software that I should be checking? Someone, anyone, please help! I really need an answer on this! Thank you!
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