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Posts posted by ghen

  1. The exact error on the computer is:

    The following value in the .SIF file used by Setup is corrupted or missing:

    Value 0 on the line in section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "SP2.cab."

    Setup Cannot continue

    I searched the txtsetup.sif file on my local ISO and this is the line in question and the lines its surrounded by:

    sound999.wav = 1,,,,,,,,3,3
    soundrec.chm = 1,,,,,,,21,0,0
    soundrec.hlp = 1,,,,,,,21,1,0
    sounds.chm   = 1,,,,,,,21,0,0
    sp2.cab      = 100,,,,,,_x,39,0,0
    sp2.cat      = 100,,,,,,_x,,3,3
    sp4100p.gpd  = 1,,,,,,,,3,3
    sp575050.ppd = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

    The sad part is, the ISO installed windows fine on my virtual machine before I burned it! Do you think the disk got corrupted? I read the text from the CD too and its exactly the same.

    The Original XP CD was SP2 preloaded. I added hotfixes by /integrate.

    During creation I never manually edited or even opened the txtsetup.SIF file.. Only the WINNT.SIF file and then added programs and a batch file under $OEM$

  2. On a semi unrelated note, you can set up the file download to only work after a donation.. Send a randomly generated and logged password to that donator's email, then use the email and password combo as access to the file on an ftp server.

    That will make plenty of people choose the bittorrent link over the 'faster' download :P Even if they only donate a penny its the time taken that hampers the bandwidth use.

  3. Okie dokie, erased the old problem as I fixed that. As usual, its USER ERROR instead of program error.. I used a floppy boot image as the source for my Boot CD which gave me an a: prompt upon booting the CD, doh.

    I don't really know much about bootable CD's so I need help. Right now, using a boot image from the original XP CD in my new disk gives me

    CDBOOT: Cannot boot from CD - Code: 4

    In VMWare. I'm sure that means something's missing from my boot information but I don't even know what files even cover that! let alone how to edit them.. So.. I need help :)

    If a mod wants to change the topic title to something along the lines of "Bootable CD help using .iso and VMWare" that would be wonderful.

    Oh yeah, I also tried using the boot.img file from the unattended guide here with the same message.

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