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Posts posted by OrcoXP

  1. Don't remove Windows Messenger.

    Or install v5.1 after the fact. Build 701 is the latest I think.

    If you look, you'll see that when you try to use it in Windows LIVE Messenger and it says you need the latest version but you check and you are "in fact" using the latest verion of WLM.

    Click the link that it provides and see where it takes you...the download page for the old school Windows Messenger.

    I'm gonna try to make a MsMsgs removal for RVM Integrator that doesn't break remote assistance...but that is not exactly high on the totem pole if you get my drift.

  2. You prolly borked your txtsetup file.

    It seems that anytime you get an error during install the OS will be screwed (at least for me it has been)

    So everytime I hit an error during install I cancel out and fix the error...usually I find another...lol

    Why are you selecting to utilize the luna interface?...it should be default.

    Did you say that you are installing a Luna style?...are you patching UXTHEME?

    What file was it looking for during nlite'ing?...I'm surprised that you seem to think that was no big deal.

    What IE7 are you using? cracked? Have you tried getting it from M$?

    Post your reply and if I can help more I will.

  3. I integrated IE7 and the 2 hotfixes for it and then ran the regsvr32 command.

    The Show Desktop link in the quick launch was restored.

    And the registry permissions are exactly what they should be.

    But the M$ Update ActiveX needs to be installed.

    Does anyone know how I can get this applied during setup?

    I did RVM's update pack with his integrater and then nlite for IE7 and the 2 hotfixes.

  4. I get "Corrupted Installer" on both the FULL and LITE versions when making an XPized ISO.

    I get the error first when it tries to patch Shell32.dll but the cancel button is disabled and then about 3-4 minutes later I get the same error and it activates the cancel button and halts the patching.

    They downloaded the expected file size and I checked MD5 hashes on both and everything is good.

    I went back to 4.5.1 Full and performed the same task and everything worked fine.

  5. @Alanoll, tell me if this is right...

    XREGAUD seems to be currently defaulting to a value of 1

    XTINYFULL doesn't seem to function at all

    My full install string is this:

    MSIEXEC /i "Winamp_v5.24.msi" /qb! XName="Current User" XKey="###KEY####" XDesktop=0 XQuicklaunch=1 XInet=0 XSepProfiles=0 XLibrary=1 XHotkey=1 XModernSkin=1 XAudio=1 XVideo=1 Xavs=1 Xextra=1 XAudioCD=1 XRegAud=0 XRegPLS=1

  6. Well the first part is a reg file...to apply this just use the following command:

    REGEDIT /S "PATH\File.reg"

    But I don't know why you would want to change those entries...

    The second is only part of an INF file...the AddReg part.

    Just google about creating and installing INF from a command line.

    As far as when to implement these...I would say CMDLINES.TXT

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