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Posts posted by aromes

  1. Hi,

    We all use  MS Office communicator 2007 r2 on our small network (approx 30 users). I have no problem at all with outgoing video calls (I video call anyone on that same local network and everything works fast). But when the other users of that same network do video call me, I just see the sign of an up arrow that keeps moving (the usual sign that there is an upcoming call), but the video call window of the incoming call never displays. Eventually, the incoming call is dropped because I can't pick it up. Thanks for your help

  2. I used to have no problem running the following command:

    DATE /T > x:\WEB\CASE1\LOG


    Then all I did is to move the LOG directory right into the WEB subdirectory,

    and now, when I run DATE /T > x:\WEB\LOG, or TIME /T >>X:\WEB\LOG...I keep getting "access is denied".

    This is total surprise for me, because:

    (1)I have on X:\WEB\CASE1\LOG, the exact same full read/write/full control permissions I have

    on X:\WEB\LOG.

    -The server that hosts the X:\ path is a windows 2003 sp1 server running in an Active Directory environment.

    I am part of the Administrators group on that server

    -The client computers I am running both commands from are WinXP SP3 computers that I have local Admin rights on.

    And of course, X:\ is a valid mapped drive (just pointing to the server. X:\ = \\servername\path).

    And YES, I can create/delete files/directories on that x:\WEB\LOG path on which the 2 above commands fail with

    the "access is denied" error.

    I am running out of solutions. Any idea what could this be?

    Thanks for your help

  3. Gents,

    Really sorry if I am not in the right section.

    is that normal that mouse scrolling does not work when you're in a network shared ms-excel sheet (ms excel 2003 / windows xp sp2)

    as read-only? With any MS Excel sheet that I am not viewing as read-only, mouse scrolling works...it just wont work

    with MS Excel files I am viewing as read-only?

    Any setting I should check?

    Thanks a lot

  4. Hi,

    I used to be able to right click on the MS Excel Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3 tabs and get the menu "Insert+Delete+Rename ..etc". All of a sudden, If I do a right click on the Sheets tab, there's nothing happenning. No menu at all! But the right click still works in the rest of the excel. I did a repair of MS office. No sucess. I reinstalled MS Office and that solved the problem for couple of weeks. All of a sudden, I am back to the same issues. Could that be provoked by an add-in or any specific type of formula / spreadsheet type?

    MS Office Pro version 2002

    MS Windows 2000 Pro


  5. Using whatever version of MS Outlook (within an MS Exchange corporate network), I keep receiving a "non existing recipient" error when I send mails to existing recipients.

    For ie, I send a mail to Jack Sauber, he receives it, but I receive a Sysadmin notice warning me

    that "one recipient could not receive your mail: George McCabe is a non existing recipient".

    First thing I did is to check if there's a rule that links any user I am sending mails to .. to the non existing recipients: no, there's no rule..no aliases..no relation at all between the existing recipients and the non existing ones. And I am not even picking my recipients from any mailing list or whatever mail groupings where the non existing users could have been members of: I am writing manually the mail address of the user directly in the SEND TO: field.

    Since the message came from the sysadmin, I did contact them, and they say that there's, on their part,

    nothing wrong (no rules, no redirections, no aliases..nothing!).

    What could it be (I am sure that it's at the sysadmin level ...but I guess they just dont know what to look for)


  6. On my Windows 2000 Pro PC, I've recently installed a new Video card.

    Once installed, I now have my entire system's displays streched in length:

    It's as if you are in notepad and the characters appear in Calligraph421 BT

    font instead of the default (Courrier New regular font).

    If it was in Notepad or Word, I woul dhave just change the fonts from the menus...but in this case, it's my entire windows display (the windows popups, all windows, etc..everything is a lil bit stretched in length)!

    it's not that bad looking, but I want to get back to the default normal windows 2000 font display. Thanks for helping

  7. Hi,

    Using my windows XP Pro laptop, I am able to

    View availage wireless Networks that are made available to

    people of my compound. So I select one of the available wireless network and try to connect to it by simply clicking on CONNECT. Then I get the message "Connected to xxx network. Signal strength = excellent"

    But I guess that's not enough because I cannot browse web pages and anyway, I do not even get an IP address (even after an ipconfig /release followed by an ipconfig /renew).

    Also: how come without providing a Network Key, I was able to still connect (and how come I was able to connect but not being able to go further)?

    What is missing to be able to access the web despite the confirmation that I am connected? Do I need to absolutely run at the administrators of those hot spots (wireless networks) and ask them for some setups?

    Thanks for helping

  8. Using MS Outlook 2002, I send mails to some people who sometimes would receive it (my mail) in Html format...and some other people would receive it with the body of my mail empty. I am sending my mails correctly

    and that just happens from times to times.

    What could be the problem.

    I am behinde an enterprise MS Exchange server: people of the MS Exchange network are asking me to double-check my settings on my local computer...but there's nothing wrong I could find. Any idea of what could that be?

  9. When I open the web site http://www.salsapresse.com,

    I click on whatever video link (exple: video 1 which links

    to http://www.salsapresse.com/New-videos2/sal...bo1-18fev.html),

    I get the picture of an audio player (within IE) that is empty. Even if I click

    on the "Play" button, it goes nowhere!

    I have Internet Explorer 6.0.28 and under the Internet Options>Advanced

    Tab>Multimedia section, the option "Play videos in web pages" and

    "play animations in web pages" are enabled.

    Still,....the link(s) of the videos and pictures of that web page wont play.

    Extra infos:

    Operating system: Windows XP

    Media player: Windows Media Player 9

    Thanks for replying

  10. In any windows explorer window, from the menu "View" | "Explorer Bar", I can have

    "Search" and "Favorites" displayed on my left with no problem. But when I choose "Folders" in order to display folders on my left pane, I get a grey window instead

    (all the left pane is greyed out). I have that problem with all user profiles I use on that computer. Deleting my user profiles and accessing MS Windows 2000 with freshly redone windows user profiles wont solve the problem.

  11. By mistake, the french version of Internet Explorer 6 has been installed

    on all workstations of my network.

    We need the English version, so I went downloading IE 6 in English

    and launch the setup. It complained that the French version is there

    and to uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs first. I know there' s no way

    to uninstall IE, but I still gave it a try: sure in Add/Remove Programs I was

    able to select IE and hit on the button Remove. Sure, I got a message that IE

    was removed. But as expected, when I rebooted, the French version of IE was still on my system (opened IE and it opened!).

    So I redid the uninstall of the French version of IE from Add/Remove Programs.

    Instead of rebooting, I launched the setup of the english IE.

    It seemed to work fine (no error and a message saying that IE 6 is successfully

    installed)....but when I run IE, it's still the French Version!

    Even after a reboot!

    I use IE 6 (SP1) on Windows 2000 Pro.

  12. I have a file of 8MB (containing just calculations..no macros) that takes 1 minute

    to save even a minor addition such as adding just a number in a cell! And scrolling in that file is extremely slow. I have same problem with light-weight that I create locally or on my network shares. It's hard to troubleshoot since some other excel files I would create or work with are fast to be saved (on same computer, on same network drives). So why some files would be slow and others wont (no matter where they are located)!

    I have MS Office 2002.

    Windows 2002.

  13. I connect USB drives (Usb keys, mp3 players, other types of external Usb drives) to my computer. Then I share them so that I can access them from other computers of my LAN.

    When the USB drive is a fAT 32 formatted drive, I have no problem accessing it from other computers. But when it's an NTFS formatted drive, eventhoug I was able to enable sharing on it, I can see it from other computers, but I get "permission denied" error when I double click on the drive from within the windows explorer.

    In the sharing options of the NTFS formatted USB drive, I made sure that all permissions are not restricted (Full Control Permissions

    to everyone).

    PS: I have no problem sharing local NTFS drives (drives that are on the IDE controllers) on the Network. How come that's not working with the external USB drives formatted as NTFS?

    All the computers of my LAN are windows XP Pro computers.

    BTW: Does it work differently on windows 2000?

    I remember having same issues on win 2000 pcs, even with the FAT 32 drives.

    Thanks for helping

  14. In an MS Excel document, I have a PDF link

    that I have no problem to open anywhere else. But on my computer, when I open that link, it opens Adobe and closes it right away (the document never opens...it's just the empty usual frame of Adobe that opens and closes).

    Adobe Distiller 7

    MS Excel 2002

    Windows 2000

    Thanks for helping

  15. Good day,

    How to copy transfer contacts from the

    CONTACTS folder of my outlook mailbox (The CONTACTS folder you find at your left in MS Outlook) to a personal address book (PAB)?

    I tried exporting the CONTACTS folder as a pst file, but I have no mean to display the PAB in a way I can transfer the contents of the CONTACTS folder to it...

    Thanks for helping

  16. I have a Windows NT4 PDC and am trying to have a Windows xp pro

    workstation joining the domain controlled by my win nt4 pdc.

    On the win nt4 pdc, I did add in "user manager for domains"

    the user/password account I use on the win xp workstation.

    Still on the windows NT4 PDC, in SERVER MANAGER, I did add successfully

    the windows XP computer as a Windows NT workstation (only option

    available for my win xp workstation).

    Then from the win xp computer, I went to System properties,

    then "Computer name" tab, and I clicked on the CHANGE button.

    Under "Member of", I checked DOMAIN and I did mention

    the domain name. Windows XP confirmed that I was part of the

    domain with the pop up "Welcome to domain xyz".

    Then win xp rebooted, but when logging on to the domain from the

    win xp computer, I get error "Windows cannot connect to the domain,

    either because the controller is down ... (which is not the case, because

    the other workstations have access to the domain and both the win xp

    computer and the windows NT 4 pdc are seeing each other via network

    neighborhood/or windows explorer) ... or because your computer account was not found

    (On the win Nt4 pdc, in "Server Manager", the win xp computer is there....but if

    I double click on it, it says that the trust relationship between the win nt4 pdc and

    the win xp workstation failed....even if I succesfully selected the win xp pc from there and chose

    the option JOIN DOMAIN)....

    I am really out of options and would appreciate your help.


  17. I have a Windows NT4 PDC and am trying to have a Windows xp pro

    workstation joining the domain controlled by my win nt4 pdc.

    On the win nt4 pdc, I did add in "user manager for domains"

    the user/password account I use on the win xp workstation.

    Still on the windows NT4 PDC, in SERVER MANAGER, I did add successfully

    the windows XP computer as a Windows NT workstation (only option

    available for my win xp workstation).

    Then from the win xp computer, I went to System properties,

    then "Computer name" tab, and I clicked on the CHANGE button.

    Under "Member of", I checked DOMAIN and I did mention

    the domain name. Windows XP confirmed that I was part of the

    domain with the pop up "Welcome to domain xyz".

    Then win xp rebooted, but when logging on to the domain from the

    win xp computer, I get error "Windows cannot connect to the domain,

    either because the controller is down ... (which is not the case, because

    the other workstations have access to the domain and both the win xp

    computer and the windows NT 4 pdc are seeing each other via network

    neighborhood/or windows explorer) ... or because your computer account was not found

    (On the win Nt4 pdc, in "Server Manager", the win xp computer is there....but if

    I double click on it, it says that the trust relationship between the win nt4 pdc and

    the win xp workstation failed....even if I succesfully selected the win xp pc from there and chose

    the option JOIN DOMAIN)....

    I am really out of options and would appreciate your help.


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