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Posts posted by targa

  1. I am trying to write a script to create a new account after windows finishes to install... manged to do the following but would like that the script pops-up a window asking for the username and password rather than being written in the vb script. Any help please????

    Option Explicit

    ' On Error Resume Next

    Dim objComputer, objGroup, objUser, objWSHNetwork, strComputerName, strFullName, strPassword, strUserName

    Set objWSHNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

    strComputerName = objWSHNetwork.ComputerName

    Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputerName)

    Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputerName & "/Administrators")

    strUserName = "username"

    strFullName = "user2"

    strPassword = "password"

    Set objUser = objComputer.Create("User", strUserName)

    objUser.SetPassword strPassword

    objUser.FullName = strFullName


    objGroup.Add "WinNT://" & strComputerName & "/" & strUserName


  2. 1. Download and install nsis from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download. This will let you recompile the installation program.

    2. Download and extract the VLC Windows Zip package from http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html.

    3. Open the vlc.win32.nsi file with Notepad

    4. The component list begins at about line 502. Component look like "Section "Component Name" SEC0#. If a '/o' is in front of the component name, remove the '/o' e.g. Section $Name_Section03 SEC03

    5. Change SectionIn from 3 to 1 2 3

    6. That's all..compile script.

    If you don't want VLC to be associated with some file types, put a semicolon in front of the line containing that extension.

  3. This is suprisingly not as simple a task to do as you'd perhaps think!

    Try this quick attempt and see how it goes:


    @Echo off&Setlocal
    Set "_=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts"&Set "$=0"
    >OE_Acc.reg (Echo:REGEDIT4&Echo:)
    For /f "delims=" %%# In ('Reg query "%_%"^|Findstr/i \\accounts\\0000') Do (
    Call :S_ "%%#")
    For /l %%_ In (1,1,%$%) Do Find /v "REGEDIT4"<$%%_#.log>>OE_Acc.reg
    Del /q $*#.log
    Goto :Eof
    Set/a "$+=1"
    Regedit/a $%$%#.log %1

    Is there a way to make a script to restore the mail accounts after effecting a fresh installation please?

  4. I had your same problem and i resolved it as follows:

    My WPI files reside in a folder named WPI on the root directory of the cdrom and the programs in a folder named Applications in the WPI folder.

    1) change the path of wpi.ico i.e.

    REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD.

    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\wpi\wpi.ico set CDROM=%%i:

    echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

    2) change wpipath from %~dp0 to the path where you have wpi folder on your cdrom i.e.

    set wpipath=%cdrom%\wpi

    This worked for me. Please let me know if this resolved your problem.

  5. I have managed to find these two tweaks which are to make the icons of the WINDOWS EXPLORER (NOT INTERNET EXPLORER) small and make the display of the of drives and folders as icons instead of detail.



































    When effecting these tweaks during my unattended installation with regedit registry file through the start.cmd command nothing happened. However when I apply the tweaks when I am logged on windows these work fine. What am I doing wrong?

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