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Posts posted by nutmonkey

  1. Your welcome!!! I have finished what I think is gonna be my best install disc yet.... and please don't say "search the forums" "read the manual" I have and none are giving me direct answers to what I need. Im getting a little confused with the MCE theme in the manual, is that just so you can add the MCE theme to windows and really has nothing to do with WPI?? Im pretty sure I answered my first question, but does WPI run from the CD or HD or both? Can I put my apps in $OEM$\install\applications\nero\nero.exe and let WPI install them from that location, or does all my apps need to be in the WPI install folder? TIA

  2. Im not much on asking questions but I have been a member of this forum for a little over a year and I have learned a lot. A year ago I made my first "autoinstaller" if you will and I figured it is time to update it with the newest drivers/applications. I used a simple command line install since it was mine and nobody else would be using it. As people seen me use it they wanted their own copy and the next thing ya know I have 50+ copies going around (all this is legal they have to put in a xp serial, and all the apps are either freeware or shareware) I guess people are just as lazy as I am lol.

    The point Im getting to is this time around I wanted to make it more user friendly since so many people already had copies so I started looking at WIHU which is great!! Then I stumbled upon WPI I seen themes done in WPI and screenshots of other peoples installers, but for some reason I had always overlooked WPI until the other day and so far its the best software for unattended installers IMO. I just want to say THANKS to all the devs and whoever had a helping hand in this software. Keep up the good work!!!

  3. This is my first PE cd so take it easy guys Ive created a few unattended XP cds that have really saved some time though. Ok this is the first of a few questions I may have on my task to create my own BartPE bootcd, when I add Ewido, Adaware, etc. they all scan the X: drive by default how can I make it scan the c drive by default like it does on a regular install? Thanks in advance

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