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Everything posted by slig

  1. hi everyone, i've got a situation where I have a win 2000 domain, with exchange 2000 running on the existing PDC and I want to add a 2003 server to the domain. according to Knowledge Base article 314649, I have to rename some of the LDAP schemas before adding the 2003 server due to 2000 not complying with RFC 2798. After much mucking around, i'm at the stage where I have performed the ldifde import and all feedback from the system was that the changes were implemented okay. However, when double-checking in the "schema naming context" using ADSI Edit, the old attributes still appear as they did. The domain controller i'm trying to apply these changes to is the only DC on the network. Anybody got some ideas? thanks
  2. I've just recently encountered the same problem with a batch file being run from task scheduler each midnight. Runs okay from CLI, but from the scheduler I get an empty Status column, with a zero exit status (0x0). Last run time appears correct but nothing has been done. Platform is also Win2K SP4. Ran fine for years (literally) and then about two weeks ago it just stopped. The log in C:\WINNT\SchedLgU.txt tells me everything is fine : "stats.job" (stats.bat) Finished 29/06/2005 11:50:57 PM Result: The task completed with an exit code of (0). though quite clearly, it is not.
  3. slig

    AMD 64 && SP2

    Didn't take too long (about 30 minutes). Was one of those nasty VIA 4-in-1 drivers (AGP specifically). Creamed all my AGP drivers, booted into VGA mode to reinstall them and voilla. Thanks for the tip Francesco.
  4. MS platforms are great for gaming, and don't mind Active Directory for workstation management. But for real work I choose KDE + Debian + 2.6.x kernel, and nothing beats the BSD flavours as server platforms for security, reliability and functionality. I like both of them for different reasons, and don't really believe that the stability issue is really a concern anymore (Windows Server 2k3 just keeps on kicking). There was no 'both good' option, so I chose Linux because the way it works makes so much more sense to an old school geek like me, sorry.
  5. slig

    AMD 64 && SP2

    Thanks guys, I might end up needing to go down the reinstall path - but i've *never* had to reformat/reinstall windows and am determined not to start. After about five hours work last night I was able to get the machine booting into safe mode, with all the correct drivers, through some finnicky registry hacks (i'll post them when I'm back at home and have the time). The problem was due to my XP install not knowing about the VIA Bus Master IDE controller on the new board. I added the registry entries for the controller with a linux boot disk I made up, saved it out, rebooted and crossed fingers. In the space of about a minute I went from total elation to lower than low as it started to boot correctly, then blue screen after the windows loading screen with a STOP 7E error. I'll keep plugging away at it tonight and post my fixes if I have any success. I feel pretty close now as everything is looking good in safe mode - so may be something really simple - just have to find what that something is!! cheers.
  6. slig

    AMD 64 && SP2

    Hi, I've just upgraded my Mobo/chip from a Northwood Celeron platform to an AMD64-4000. I figured it would be pretty straight forward to just shift the drives into the new rig, but when I powered it up Windows XP starts to go through the normal procedure then, when loading 'mup.sys' (in safe mode), it automatically reboots to restart the process ad infinitum. I've flashed the BIOS firmware with a new version, and have also addressed a possible DEP issue by modifying my boot.ini file - apparently this broke some AMD platforms. Anyway, it still continues to happen - so what i'm asking is if the problem would be due to the fact I have SP2 installed on the drives, or something else? I'd like to avoid rolling back to SP1 if I can and am not even slightly interested in reformatting my drives (why the hell should I have to?). Mention has been made all over the web about an advisory MS released with regards to this problem, but I can't for the life of me find the advisory itself - so a link would be appreciated. if anybody else has experienced this problem and has resolved it for a similar platform, i'd love to hear what steps you took to get your machine up and running. thanks
  7. I can do this on a Windows 2003 Server platform via the Group Policy snap-in. Doesn't seem to be available via Windows 2000 however - can anybody confirm this is the case?
  8. hi everybody, strange problem I have. basically i'm trying to allow one of my users dial-in access for VPN, so within active directory i'm heading to the user and bringing up their properties dialog. When I click on the 'dialin' tab, all of the options are shown in the pane, however they are *all* greyed out. This is also the case for the 'Profile' pane. Every other tabbed pane is fine. This is the only user this is happening for out of about 50 in the domain. Platform is 2003 server. Anyone have any ideas?
  9. Hi everybody, i've got a problem at the moment with RDP clients on my network. Basically there is a user who needs to login to one of the servers as administrator, so I have saved the settings for the administrator username/password on their machine in the hopes that hey wouldn't need to re-enter it whenever they RDP in. Basically, from what I can tell, the settings have been saved, however when they load the settings and connect they are given the authentication dialog instead of being dropped straight into their terminal services session. does anybody know how I might be able to have this user just load the settings for administrator, connect, and have it work without being prompted for auth? The point of this is that I don't want to give them the administrator password, but they need to log in as the administrator user, on this particular machine, a few times a day. any suggestions? btw: client is windows XP pro (sp2) connecting to Win2k authenticating from Active Directory. I'm not a native windows guy, so the more info the better - can't seem to find anything about this on search engines, but don't really know what i'm searching for. tia.
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