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Posts posted by Ejoc

  1. Didnt know about the default dir for default user prefs, good to know.

    But I thought I'd also mention that you dont have to install Firefox, Thunderbird or Sunbird w/ their installer programs, i.e. Firefox Setup 1.0.1.exe. You can install the apps, then use 7-Zip to create a self extracting exe of directories. All you need to do then is manually put shortcuts where you want them, and after you run Firefox once, it will ask to make it the default browser.

    I know this works, because I keep Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird on my AES encrypted Harddrive, which I do not format when I reinstall XP. And all 3 run just fine without being installed. I also keep the Profile directories on that encrypted drive and I have the unattended CD copy over

    C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini

    C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Application Data\Mozilla\Sunbird\profiles.ini

    C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Application Data\Thunderbird\profiles.ini

    *note Thunderbird profiles are not in the Mozilla Directory

    My ThunderBird profiles.ini



    This way when I reinstall XP, my browser, email and calendar are all exatctly how I used them last. Copying existing data from your default profile directory to a different location, will take awhile as you have to manually edit some files to make it work. But once you get it working, makes reinstalling XP easy.

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