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Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Ok, Well I will give it a whirl! -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Yea, It SHOULD work, but does not. I will try your method tomorrow night and see what happens... Why can R2 not be Integrated? Also, What about .NET Framework 3.0? Can it somehow be Integrated? That is my HUGE holdup during my unattended install right now.... -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Hey Ryan! Yes, I do know what INTEGRATE means.... And this is what I did (Originally) and it failed to work properly. Now the one thing that I did not try doing was use the Integrate command on CD 2 (By It's self). I may give this a try.... What I did was copy CD 2 into CD1 and then used the INTEGRATE on the whole thing, this did not work (Integrated just fine but Once it came to R2 install it found the files as expected and launched just fine but came up with a compatibility error when it started to actually install) I have an install running right now, I will see the results and I may try a quick integration again... Also, there seems not to be a way to INTEGRATE R2 either.... I am not talking about having the files there but have it already integrated into Windows so it is R2 & SP2 right from the beginning of the install. This is the ultimate goal I am trying to achieve. -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
That is correct. What I do is have Xplode run with the GUIRUNONCE Phase (So when Windows loads for the first time, right after login and before going to the desktop). Xplode then installs R2 first thing. Then a few other programs and then the VERY LAST thing it does is Install SP2. After SP2 is installed it will reboot the system and then login and load normally. All the upgrades have been done and the OS is up to date. There is not a single problem. (Otherwise R2 Install.... The Automatic One.... Will ALSO run at first login even though something else is running). The problem I found was this, R2 Upgrade install begins and while it is working Xplode started running and installing the software and SP2 at the same time. So I needed to find a way to STOP the R2 from automatically installing at first login. This way I can launch the install of R2 when I want it and can use the /wait command to make sure 2 programs do not get into a race condition. What I have laid out and the commands I have shown here works 100% Flawless. Tonight I am going to try my install again. I expect it to by my final revision. I will post my results but what I have posted have already been proven by 6 Installs already. -
Add/slipstream SATA drivers - A fully working solution
X-Savior replied to Anderz's topic in Device Drivers
I have never tried to Integrate into an existing install.... As I said, if you are doing a fresh install it is FANTASTIC! The reason I wonder is that many of the entries are then integrated into the Registry and configuration files. I may do a quick look into the possibility but I would not hold my breath (At least it will be much more difficult to make it work). I admit it would be a fun to give it a try.... -
Hey There, I had to make changes to Server 2003 to let it play games. Step #1 Install Direct-X Step #2 Run DXDiag from the "Run" and then go to Video Settings and enable hardware acceleration and make sure everything is enabled (By default Server disables some direct-X components. I think you have to check audio as well. Step #3 Go into "Display Properties" and go into "Settings" then "Troubleshoot" and you have to move the slider bar all the way to the right. Now, you are good to go. You might want to lower your Internet Explorer Security settings. Other then that you are laughing. I have considered doing the same thing! Let me know how it turns out.
Add/slipstream SATA drivers - A fully working solution
X-Savior replied to Anderz's topic in Device Drivers
I Strongly suggest the read through of the entire thread. It has the entire development process and covers a great deal of testing. The information is INVALUABLE and will give you a great insight into how Windows works during install. Somewhere in there I wrote an entire Tutorial on how to do it (The Integration). It is WELL worth the time and it is a GREAT read! -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Hey Ryan! That is correct. I can't explain it either. It SHOULD work but it does not.... The slipstream goes fine and I thought I had it. But When Windows Launched for the first time when it asked for CD-2 (Before I started doing silent install) it would begin to install but then come up with an error right away. it would then exit the R2 Install. So, that is where I started to work from. The biggest problem was that R2 starts to install at the same time that GUIRUNONCE starts so lets say then that R2 and SP2 are going to install at the same time.... (VERY BAD!!!) So I needed to take control of the order software was being installed. The best way was to "Trick" Windows into thinking R2 Initial install had already been started. I thought Commandlines.txt would do the install but when I loaded Windows after install I found R2 was not installed. I was very surprised so I looked for the Log File and it had a message that the system needed to reboot before it can be installed. BUT.... The result that got me REALLY excited was R2 DID NOT attempt to install. So Windows must have had a trigger that once R2 install was attempted then it will not try again. So I used this to my advantage to "Intentionally Fail" R2 so I can then not have the Setup launch and then I can re-run the setup with a Batch file in my Xplode install prior to SP2. I then use the SP2 Batch file right after R2 and it installed PERFECTLY and 100% Silent. I then used a reboot command and on restart it shows R2 installed and Service Pack 2 Installed. It works FANTASTIC!!! -
Add/slipstream SATA drivers - A fully working solution
X-Savior replied to Anderz's topic in Device Drivers
Well, I know different ways to do this have been beaten to death. Bashrat would remember but about 2 years ago we spent about 4 Months developing a method of creating an additional Driver CAB File with more Drivers for Windows and it would RETAIN the drivers in Windows AFTER Install so lets say you have a bunch of USB items or do a Hardware change the Drivers were already present and the Windows Driver Auto-Detect would find the drivers in Windows and install them automatically. We also used this method for RAID Drivers as this method added drivers to the heart of Windows. This was a HUGE break through and the research led to several new Methods being developed for Integrating drivers based on the original method. It might be advisable to take a trip down memory lane and visit the thread (That is now closed). Windows Keeping The Drivers Method -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
This has already been covered if you read the previous posts. We can not slipstream SP2 due to R2 Not installing after SP2 is installed. R2 MUST be installed prior to SP2. I WISH we could slipstream it all but it does not work. I tried about 40 different ways to try and make it work. Every combination I could think of and this method I have laid out DOES work and being that it all runs from the DVD the install is very quick (Not much is copied to the HDD). The only draw back is the amount of space used up on the DVD. I would use a self extracting RAR to solve this but it will make the install process take longer. So either speed or space efficient are your options... -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Yes, I am not sure why it is a problem. I have done that but when the second process launches for R2 during install it comes up with an Error Message saying that R2 is not compatible with SP2. It when stops the install. I have tried so many different options. First Step (CMDLINES.TXT) [COMMANDS] "REGEDIT /S Tweaks.reg" "Stage1.cmd" This is Stage1.cmd (The Part where I fail the R2 Install at the CMDLINES Stage) @ECHO OFF ECHO Installing Server 2003 R2 (Failed Attempt so R2 Does not start when First Log-in) ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start /wait ..\cmpnents\r2\setup2.exe /q /a exit This is the silent install command-line for R2. What I found was that in the log files it would not install R2 because it says the system needs to restart due to another install that needs to be completed. This is the bext part as when the system reboots into Windows for the first time R2 was already tried so it will NOT Launch R2 again. This way you can complete your normal install. Then Install R2 with the same command-line and then right after do the silent install of SP2 and restart. After reboot you are good to go! Here is what I run for [GUIRunOnce] Here is the setup file for R2 that can be used @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID CLS for %%a in (C D E F G H I J K) do if exist %%a:\WIN52AA.R2 set CDROM=%%a: CLS start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\R2\Sleep.exe 5 start /wait %CDROM%\cmpnents\r2\setup2.exe /q /a exit Then here is SP2 (I decompressed SP2 onto the disc and then used this command) @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID CLS for %%a in (C D E F G H I J K) do if exist %%a:\WIN52AA.R2 set CDROM=%%a: CLS start /wait %CDROM%\Updates\SP2\amd64\update\update.exe /passive /norestart /overwriteoem /nobackup exit With this you are going to have 100% Unattended! This is the only way I have been able to get this to work... -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
From what I understand this does not work. CD2 does not have the structure for CD1 and all the good stuff. R2 is VERY strange, it is more of a "Front end" that installed upgraded modules and features. I would NOT suggest using this method. Tomorrow night I will type up my Tutorial and all my results. I have a method that works PERFECT and it is not that difficult. I have tried all methods of Slipstreaming SP2 and NONE of them worked. If you DON'T want R2 then it is a VERY different story. You can Slipstream SP2 with the normal method and you are laughing! R2 is where all the problems start. -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Hey There, I don't think so. This is what I am trying to say. You have headed down a one-way street when you Slipstreamed SP2. This is why I abandoned this method VERY early. These programs HAVE to install in that order (R2 THEN SP2). Otherwise R2 will launch, look just fine and then a little ways into the install with give you an error telling you it is not compatible and exit. This is what drove me insane to begin with... So I spent about 8 - 10 Hours Investigating other options and trying different installs. This is the result of about 20 Different variations of my install to create something that actually works 100%. (I am sorry for my delays, I have been very short on time to sit down and get all the info together to post it... It will not be much longer, I am hoping to run one more trial on VMWare and I will be satisfied.) -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
No, That does not work. That was the first approach I had. First of all R2 can not be Slipstreamed. R2 is not like a service pack or anything. If you copy both disc's together all it will do is just launch the R2 install at first boot automatically. But here is the problem. It does that WHILE GUIRunOnce is going. So you have your GUIRunOnce installing and then there is R2 blasting through everything and installing. It is not a good situation. Now, if you Integrate SP2 into the Original install when you actually lauch the R2 install it will tell you it is not compatible with that version of Server. So do NOT Slipstream SP2. I figured out how to Silently install SP2 so during GUIRunOnce each program, SP2 and R2 each gets its turn to Install without Interfering with each other and I can control the order they install in to make sure there is no conflicts. Then a single reboot and everything is complete. -
Server 2003 x64 R2 and SP2 (Merging It All Together)
X-Savior replied to X-Savior's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Yes, Normally if you install with an R2 CD Key witht he original Server Install then it will ask at first boot for the second CD and continue the install. But I have learned that you can provide an R2 cd-key at the command line for the silent install if your original key is not R2. I am using an R2 Key so this was causing my problems. I am putting the finish ing touches and will post my Step-by-Step tomorrow night. But I have solved everything but a silent way to install SP2. Anyone have any luck yet finding any commandline options to initiate unattended install of it?