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About Yacu

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    Windows 11

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  1. How do i fix it? It is in the correct height when i press the Windows key, but when i type something it lowers, covering the icons! I tried unninstalling and reinstalling, deleting the regedit entries that google told me where related to taskbar configurations, reinstalled again, locked and unlocked the taskbar (typing works well with locked taskbar but i don't want to use a locked taskbar), restarted file explorer in between, but it still appears lower than it should, when i put the taskbar in other sides of the screen (i need it down) the flyouts appear in the right distance, so i don't know what is happening I think it began when i chose "Windows 10 Flyouts", and then never fixed, How do i reset that setting?, I have already unninstalled multiple times Windows Build/Version 22H2 22621.963
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