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Everything posted by davo007

  1. Alanoll: thankyou, that seems reasonable....when i get to doing it on a full machine it should be fine...even if its not, its not to bad....everything else works...well except for the autologon... durex: i'm not fussed about the resolution during app install...i'm referring to after the first start of windows....as Alanoll said, its because the drivers aren't loaded for the VMware machine.... thanks guys, thought i was going insane...only one more prob to go....yay
  2. well ok, i am using VMware to test....but how am i supposed to install any drivers before windows starts? winnt.sif attached for your perusal.... winnt.sif
  3. no matter what i seem to try, whenever windows starts for the first time after the install it always asks me to change the resolution (ie little dialog box with OK in it)....i'm not sure if it is not reading the winnt.sif properly or the setting is just wrong..... also like another thread.... http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=38686 i am unable to add the user properly, using both methods described in these forums and guides.... wouldn't have thought it would make difference, but both methods are still implemented....however the OOe.......ini file was the first try and it simply didn't work....really stumped...all my applications work....just need this logon to work (and the right screen res) any help would be appreciated. cheers
  4. i am glad i'm not the only one having trouble with both methods i copied and pasted the info from the guide on MSFN....but neither work....not sure why there is no real reason that i can see, i don't think... can attach files if necessary....
  5. Hi, I'm davo007...you can call me davo007....however "hey you" will also works... found lots of experience in these forums, now i hope to be able to contribute some of my own....
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