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Posts posted by SevralT

  1. 9 hours ago, win32 said:

    There is a new extended kernel version released. Development was hindered greatly by the struggle to make new x86 shell32 functions well, function. ntdll is the source of that discontent and the secret may lie in either the Server 2003 version or even one from a later Vista build.

    Most x86 programs rely on the shell32 functions, which means that there will not be much in the way of new x86 programs working aside from what has been shown already. However, SetThreadErrorMode has been stabilized on x86 and WMP 11 x86 (the default WMP on Vista x64 as well) is working again (x64 version continued to work anyway).

    TryAcquireSRWLockShared is implemented on both Vista x86 and x64; there were several programs I'm aware of asking for it.

    Download and replace all files from folder, or only kernel32 and shell32?

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