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Posts posted by Octal450

  1. On 12/24/2020 at 3:29 AM, Dixel said:

    Hello , someone having extensions being disabled or switched off on chromium 86 after it's re-launch with the new kernel ? I've noticed such behaviour starting from version 82 or so.

    I never had extensions working on Chromium, how you did?


    Also dotNet 4.6.2 can install even without the KernelEx if you extract the setup and run netfx_Full_x64.msi. But I didn't test any 4.6.2 apps yet, ill see to build something for that version and see later.

  2. I'm a Vista user of 8 years now, all though my main machine was moved to Windows 7 (but with my improved Vista visual style), and my laptop can only run Win10.

    My list of gripes with Vista:
    - Annoying OK box after ejecting devices (like W2000) rather than the baloon used in XP/7/10
    - Can't use differing display vendors (Nvidia + AMD cards in one rig), but this is minor and rarely ever needed
    - Explorer's folder type discovery, which I always disable right after install.

    That it, I'd take Vista over Win7 any day and I hope KernelEx project from Win32 will allow me to return to it on more machines.

  3. I've installed everything up to the April 2017 (last official Vista update) on my Vista machines and had no slowdown after a disk defrag (HDD machines only), SSD machines still boot incredibly, I trim manually. KB4056564-v2 is the only post April 2017 update that I installed, because it ads TLS1.1/1.2 support (and also the registry update required for that).


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