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Posts posted by supertuxisthebest

  1. For anyone interested, I found this guide for making Office 2010 portable using Vmware Thinapp. It seems to be quite an involved process though:



    Since Thinapp is a paid application, there’s an alternative called Evalaze. (Though I’ve read in some places that the free version doesn’t work with Office 2010) The website is no longer available, but thankfully the Wayback Machine has a few copies saved:



    Alternatively, someone could try to install Office 2010 in Windows XP and then move the files and registry entries to the Windows 2000 installation, though this might really difficult to pull of. I recall reading about a program called TrackWinstall, that analyzes system changes before and after the installation of a program, so maybe something like this could be useful for this purpose.


    I think it’s amazing to see this portable copy of Office 2010 running in Windows 2000, but personally, I'd prefer to get the RTM build working as well.

  2. On 2/11/2021 at 1:01 PM, schwups said:

    A YT user (and MSFN forum reader) uploaded some movies about KernelEX/98SE/ME. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB52pssqm8lsRvQQMAFs6Dw/featured)

    Yep, It is Spanish

    I recognize that link, that's my YouTube channel

    Now, I need to admit that I rushed the video and it has a lot of issues.

    One of my viewers had already told me that FF45 will work with any MSVCRT (6.1.8637.0/6.1.9848.0/7.0.9981.0), and it didn't work for me because I was using the Dependency Walker.

    Some people also suggested various ways to solve the font issues;

    -Disabling gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled (as you said earlier)
    -Or installing the True Type fonts bundled with the Unofficial Service Pack 3.65

    The issue of the last character in the search bar doesn't happen on Windows Millenium and I noticed that Windows Millenium uses Tahoma as the default font, so I decided to set all the fonts to Tahoma in Windows 98 (in the Appearance settings) and that seems to "fix" the issue:


    I was also able to run K-Meleon 76 ( Javascript disabled ) and I almost got SeaMonkey 2.40 working (It shows a window, and then crashes immediately)

    Now, don't get confused, at the end of that video I talked about the posibility of running more modern browsers on windows 98 similarly to Windows 2000 (and then I showed a clip of Windows 2000 with Blackwingcat's Extended Kernel running various browsers, including NewMoon)

    Bear in mind that I have not made any video about Windows 98/ME running NewMoon at any time (and I really doubt it will work)

    Also I been doing a little bit more testing and it seems that I can only get this to work when I use DLLs from Windows XP SP2 . I haven't had a lot of luck with Windows XP SP3 DLLs

  3. 9 hours ago, schwups said:

    If you installed and test latest core updates, then Kstub822 is obsolete! What order do you have in the Core.ini ([BASE]
    contents=std,kexbasen,kexbases). It matters whether the Kstub822 is at the front or the back of the contents line. With Kstub you should test iunsupported API's. If you don't want test, you better remove Kstub822 from that line. And also look for

    --- Legacy modes for older registry settings and Ktree9 ---


    Ok, that's interesting! Sorry for being such a noob.

    So, the order in the [BASE] looks like this:


    And the [DCFG1] looks like this:



    Also, I'm actually pretty interested in testing. How do I test the unsupported API's?

  4. On 4/5/2020 at 5:18 PM, FantasyAcquiesce said:

    Run the included registry file that's only in the "For KernelEx" folder. Running the file applies adding a few dll's to KernelEx's known library of dll's.

    I am testing my own system and every file appears to be working. No errors or issues have popped up.

    Hi! Hmm... I tried this in my Windows Me installation with this version of kernelex: https://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/2018/05/kernelex-45201617-updates.html

    But after I followed the steps, some programs that where working just show this error when i try to open them:



    I did something wrong?

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