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Posts posted by kilowatt

  1. The GPO hasn't changed at all, this machine used to show the update icon. The domain group Domain Users is a member of the Local Administrators group on every machine.

    However i tried it and it did work. Seems a little odd to me, but thank you very much for your help.

  2. I've got a problem I've started to see over the last couple of weeks and I can't seem to find an answer to it on my own so i figured i'd ask.

    I've got a 2003 server that is a domain controller on a network with all Windows XP clients. I've enable the policy to force Windows Updates to happen on their own and ask the user to install them at their convenience.

    What is happening now is the updates are downloading on their own as expected but the tray icon is missing and doesn't notify the user. However when they go to shut down the computer it says install updates and shut down the computer.

    Is there an exe i can run to inititiate the installations or a registry tweak to re-enable the tray icon?

  3. I have been trying this for hours and hours and what seems like hours and seem to get further each time until now.

    I had an unattended windows installation that on it's own works. However i just got a new Dell Preceision 380 that uses the Intel® 82801GR SATA RAID Controller and it's not detected by the windows setup.

    Here is what i've got so far:

    I added these entries to my winnt.sif.


    "Intel® 82801GR SATA AHCI Controller" = OEM






    Then i copied the OEM Boot Files to \i386\$OEM$\Textmode as the document below says to.


    Then i burn the cd and I get the following error during the windows setup:

    File txtsetup.oem caused an unexpected error (18) at line 1747 in d:\xpsprtm\base\boot\setup\oemdisk.c.

    Press any key to continue.

    I can press a key to continue and it continues to load other files and then comes up with the following message:

    Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer ....

    Can someone please help me out, i need to get this computer sent off to the client asap but i want an unattended disk to go with it.

  4. I am replicating a group of files from coast to coast as a failover system. Our software uses IIS and when configuring our systems we have to change the anonymous user to a named Windows user so we can track the processes.

    So rather than have to setup the same user twice for our production and failover servers I was wondering if there is a way to replicate the user accounts from some database or directory on the source machine over to the target.

    Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

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