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Posts posted by Grenky

  1. [deXter] good program, but Unlocker can show which process blocking you files. Like this:


    i think it's wery important.

    oh yea

    totoymola big SNX.

    I try only little "s"

    to Ctwizzy,

    There is no excuse for laziness my friend. This is Inno Setup.

    Im not lazybones. (Posts: 3 :D ) I try everything, but BIG S.

  2. please help to finde switch for silent install

    program site:


    Ever had such an annoying message given by Windows?


    It has many other flavors:

    Cannot delete file:

    Access is denied

    There has been a sharing violation.

    The source or destination file may be in use.

    The file is in use by another program or user.

    Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

    Unlocker is the solution!

  3. If .sif is arranged like this:


    then after the Windows installation we can see the following:


    so when entering, we have to select domain enter and use domain name & password. Let’s assume user was created – he is not an administrator of the computer so far, hence is not allowed to install software… RunOnceEx.cmd tries in vain.


    How to add user (selected) into the group “administrators” of the computer prior to entering the system.

    sorry fo my Eng.

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