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  1. @i430VXthose updates cause any issues for you?
  2. Great, thank you all for the info
  3. Anyone have any issues installing the patches on x64 and/or x86? Like boot-loops, hanging systems, etc?
  4. Ok, the patch is out but which one is it? This one: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4474419/sha-2-code-signing-support-update-for-windows-7-and-server-2008-r2 or this one: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4490628/servicing-stack-update-for-windows-7-sp1-and-windows-server-2008-r2 Which is the one I need?
  5. Any word on what the KB number of the stand alone patch is? MS's site is awful to navigate and I can't seem to find a straight answer on sites that are reviewing the latest Feb patches. Thank you very much
  6. On this page: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4472027/2019-sha-2-code-signing-support-requirement-for-windows-and-wsus it says Legacy Windows operating systems will receive Stand Alone and Preview of Monthly Rollup updates that introduce SHA-2 code sign support. Now my question is the stand alone patch will be just that stand alone, right? Also, will this be available on the Window Update Catalog because I've had issues using Windows Update and would rather download the patch from the catalog instead of in Windows. Thank you very much
  7. Anyone?
  8. Hi, I recently ran a chkdsk on my D: drive and it asked me to unmount it. Later when I checked on it, it was still checking and I noticed all the shortcuts on the desktop that linked to the D: Drive were gone. I stopped the chkdsk and thought they would return when the drive remounted, but they didn't. I had to perform a system restore to get them back. My question is can I run chkdsk /f /r on my D: Drive from safe mode with command prompt and not have to unmount the D: Drive or worry about shortcuts going missing. Thank you very much
  9. You know the Previous Version in the file properties, right? So you can restore say a folder instead of doing a full system restore from a restore point. Well, when I have those 3 services stopped and disabled the previous versions window shows no previous versions available. But when I re enable them they show again. My question is WHY is that function tied to those 3 services that as far as I can see have nothing to do with making system restores. This https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_Copy Why does That require 3 seemingly unrelated services to be running to work?
  10. Why does Win 7 require Server service, Workstation service, AND TCP/IP NetBIOS service to have previous versions work? Server and Workstation have that stupid SMB protocol and TCP/IP NetBIOS is pointless for the average home user. Please help me understand. Thanks
  11. Does anyone have a list of all the updates after SP1, what they are, if they are good or bad, etc.? Both important and optional ones. Or if someone can point me you a recent website that has the list laid out that would be helpful too. Thank you very much
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