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Posts posted by goldenequity

  1. 9 hours ago, dencorso said:

    Read the 1st post of this selfsame thread, which you evidently didn't bother to read before posting...

    That was a little hostile and (yes) I did read the first page...

    but it's a little less than 'user friendly' for newcomers (if you don't know what 'binaries' are/or where to put them for example).

    I mean well and just trying to help newbies like myself.

    Thrawn's initial post/tutorial was very easy to follow and it was at his suggestion that I found myself here.

    I managed anyways but it was trial and error.

    Cheers and high hopes/thanks to Roytam1 for labors & success.

  2. Greetings all..

    I found my way here by way of the FF mod found here http://wp.xin.at/archives/4059

    I have extracted & loaded the latest New Moon on XP/32bit and it loads quick & is VERY light on CPU/mem VERY IMPRESSIVE/THANK YOU!!!

    I'm still behind the curve though... my goal is still the same: using HTML5 and not Adobe Flash for video plugin

    This is my current status on Youtube...



    My question: Do I still follow the same procedure (as detailed in above link for FF) for New Moon? Adobe Primetime not needed?

    Sorry for my confusion... any help would be appreciated. thanx. :)


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