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Posts posted by AntiDuck

  1. On 11.05.2016 at 7:02 PM, mixit said:

    media.gmp.decoder.enabled (boolean, true; defaults to false in FF 46)

      Reveal hidden contents

    There was some discussion about this in the Chrome thread, but I thought it better to create a separate topic instead of having posts buried in a different thread. The most relevant parts are here: 1 (VistaLover), 2 (dencorso), 3 (VistaLover). Since it appears to have ended on a failure, I'm taking the liberty of restating some of what was covered by them. I don't mean to overstep or hog the glory by any means, so if the mods want to prepend those posts to this thread, I have no objection.

    P.S. Hi everyone and thanks for the truckloads of useful information that's been posted here in the past. I've been lurking for about 1.5 years already and thought it was about time to contribute something.

    After Firefox update to 48.0.2, H264 video stopped playing in Windows XP SP3
    Well, it took me two nights to find this post, Thank you very-very-very much!

    In my case, Adobe DRM was installed, but somehow Decoder option was disabled.
    So I just put media.gmp.decoder.enabled = true, and this helped.

    You won't believe how much crazy stuff people write about this problem -
    including registry tweaks, system files manual copying, dll re-registering ...
    I'm happy you were here to help with just Firefox config settings!

    Great thanks!

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