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Posts posted by Shak

  1. Okay, I guess I will have to try and install VM Ware too. Just curious but can I access the internet with VMware? I can't with VPC for one thing. If so then I can set up the extensions that I need and everything on the new install and deploy that.

    Btw, what is the program called from vmware that I am looking for, i've gone to their website once and its way too complex, I can't seem to find out what software is what.

    Thanks alot.

  2. Hey felix,

    I just 'tested' it out on my VPC setup i have.  First i removed uninstalled firefox from the add/remove in CP, deleted the firefox directory from program files, and deleted the folder for mozilla from my user/application data folder.  I ran the silent file to install it all and it seemed to work, but after it finished, when I launched firefox (from the desktop), it opened but without any extensions showing.

    I checked tools -> extensions and i saw all of them there, but I could not go into the options of any of them.  I was able to install them.

    ANy idea why this may have happened?  Does it only work when you add it to your cmdlines  or runonceex?

    Hi Shak,

    No ideas why your custom install is not working correctly. I have tried to duplicate your issues here without success. Are you using vmware or similar to create your custom install? I have tested with VMware and all works fine.


    I'm using Virtual PC trial edition. I am not quite sure why Its not installing perfectly.. maybe I need to delete all registry settings before the install? Before using your technique I had it install firefox alone and it worked, but no extensions or settings so I uninstalled it, deleted the program files folder for it, and the folder in my docs / settings folder. Maybe there were some registry settings that I needed to delete?

    If you want I can upload my install and you can check it out, see if it works alright with you.



  3. Hey felix,

    I just 'tested' it out on my VPC setup i have. First i removed uninstalled firefox from the add/remove in CP, deleted the firefox directory from program files, and deleted the folder for mozilla from my user/application data folder. I ran the silent file to install it all and it seemed to work, but after it finished, when I launched firefox (from the desktop), it opened but without any extensions showing.

    I checked tools -> extensions and i saw all of them there, but I could not go into the options of any of them. I was able to install them.

    ANy idea why this may have happened? Does it only work when you add it to your cmdlines or runonceex?

  4. Hey Felix, great idea and tutorial you have here. I can't wait to try it out but I am encountering a problem.

    When i extract ffstuff to the deployment folder and run !makeSFX.cmd, I get an error in the cmd window:

    Invalid parameter - rows=5

    And this in the winrar window:

    ! Cannot create files\winrar\firefox.exe

    The system cannot find the path specified.

    So I fixed this problem with replacing the "program files" in your !makeSFX.cmd to "progra~1" and this fixed that error. But then, I get this error message in the winrar window:

    ! Cannot open "C:\progra~1\winrar\firefox.SFX"

    The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

    The file firefox.SFX is the one I downloaded from your attachment and I placed it in my winrar folder.

    Any suggestions?

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