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Posts posted by NeauCloux

  1. Mo, from reading the recent comments it seems likely that your MSE trouble will vanish when you "upgrade" to MSE 4.4.304.  Automatic updates to my MSE client ceased at Version: 4.4.304.0.  Help>about shows it is still at 4.4.304.0.
    If you bing MSEinstall.exe 4.4.304 you can find lots of trusted download sites for it such as filehippo, filehorse.  When I've had doubts about downloading from a site I'm not familiar with I've checked it before downloading from it with site advisors like:

    McAfee Site Advisor http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/msfn.org - msfn.org used as example


    Just type in the web address and the pages above will check the site for danger.  Downloads from sites that passed these checks never caused problems for me yet. You can also scan a file with MSE after you download it. There are lots of other versions of MSEInstall available, but 4.4.304 seems to be the latest version that Microsoft made completely compatible with XP.  Sometimes "upgrades" are really more like downgrades.

  2. On 5/1/2016 at 1:11 PM, mo832 said:

    Can someone comment on my other 2 questions, ie is there any harm/is it ok for me to continue with 4.5 and not bother with 4.4? (see my concerns in the original post).  Thanks,  mo

    Mo, IMHO - The red flag you mentioned may be a result of the MSE definitions not being updated recently.  A nag flag may be caused by using 4.5 instead of 4.4.  My MSE showed a brown danger flag instead of the green safe flag within a few days after my automatic definitions updates began failing in mid April.  MSE changes the flag from green to brown if the definitions don't update within a certain time limit and changes it from green to red if there is a major problem.  After I ran blackwingcat's program, my definitions updated, the MSE flag changed back to green, and the definitions began updating automatically again, like before mid April.  Automatic updates are easier, more convenient, than manual updates.

    If your MSE flag is still red then your manual definitions update apparently did not work.  The flag will turn back to green if nothing is wrong.  Microsoft updates the definitions about once per day or more.  The update pane of your MSE panel shows when your definitions were last updated along with the definition version number.  When I did manual updates using Bersaglio's method, the flag changed from brown to green, and the definitions version number changed.  But the auto updates still didn't work.  The next day I updated manually with heinoganda's method and the definitions version number changed, but the auto updates still didn't work; which is to say I was able to update manually, but not automatically.  It was only after I used blackwingcat's solution that the definitions began updating automatically again.

    On your question about the red / green banner - I would be bugged by the red banner,  I would want the green banner.  Changing from 4.5 to 4.4 should help with that.  Running blackwingcat's program was what got MSE working right again for me, got the definitions back to automatically updating, and got my MSE flag to stay green.  

    If your MSE update problem began around mid April like mine did, then it seems likely that blackwingcat's fix would work for your XP system also.  If you cannot get MSE 4.5 to work right after running blackwingcat's program, it might be a lot easier to just install 4.4 than keep trying to debug 4.5.  Apparently MSE 4.4.304.0 was the last version that Microsoft designed to work in harmony with XP.

  3. My automatic updates for MS Security Essentials are working again thanks to WindowsXP-KB2584577-v0.4-x86-ENU.exe from blackwingcat.  All I had to do was download WindowsXP-KB2584577-v0.4-x86-ENU.exe from http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackwingcat/archives/1706829.html and run it.

    The solutions from Bersaglio and heinoganda work well for people who prefer to update MSE definitions manually, but blackwingcat's solution is the only one I found that got my definition updates to work again automatically.  For several years, my definitions have been updated automatically every night.  Task schedule wakes my computer from sleep state in the wee hours, which runs a script to do automatic updates, then puts the computer to sleep again.  The MSE signature update section of the script is below -

    REM Begin SigUp subroutine
    REM Enable Automatic updates, wuauserv, so MSE can update definitions.
    REM Change wuauserv from disabled to auto.
    sc config wuauserv start= auto
    REM The following command starts the automatic updates service
    sc start wuauserv
    REM Automatic updates should now be running.
    REM Run MSSE sig update
    "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\MpCmdRun.exe" -SignatureUpdate
    REM Update complete, turn off Automatic updates to lessen computer burden
    sc stop wuauserv
    REM Disable Automatic Updates
    sc config wuauserv start= disabled
    REM Automatic updates should now be disabled
    REM Background Intelligent Transfer Svcs BITS is enabled by Automatic
    REM  Updates, wuauserv, IF wuauserv runs more than a minute or 2, or,
    REM if an update is actually performed.  Stop and disable BITS.
    sc stop BITS
    sc config BITS start= disabled
    goto :EOF
    REM End SigUp subroutine

    My system is XP-SP3. The MSE version is 4.4.304.0.  It was about April 19 when I first noticed the automatic definition updates were failing.  Just before I installed blackwingcat's solution, I tested MSE automatic definitions update again and it failed again with ERROR: Signature Update failed with hr=0x800700C1.  A few minutes later, after applying blackwingcat's solution, I tested MSE automatic definitions update again, and this time the definitions update worked.   The fix from blackwingcat is what got the auto updates working again.  That was the only change, so that was what fixed it.  Thanks to everyone who helped with this, especially blackwingcat.

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