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Posts posted by Dixie1979

  1. You can change the button height, but the combined width will also change proportionally. I don't know if this will work, but you can try making a text file named image-name.png.layout and putting CaptionHeight=18 in. I've found 18 still looks OK, even with the resizing.


    The Win 7 like layout like the screenshot isn't possible?

  2. for win10 build 10056












    These atlases work perfectly, thank you. Is there any working layout file for them to make it possible to change the height of the buttons (e. g. by setting the CaptionHeight there)? Right now the buttons are just as high as the bar which looks kind of bloated.


    Or is there any possibility to make the buttons look exactly like those shown in the screenshot above (by changing a registry value or something)?


    Thank you. The batch file worked and it did download the symbols – though it didn't change anything about the error message which still continues to appear.



    There will be some new folders where the symbols have been downloaded in C:\symbols You need to copy or move these folders to your aeroglass installation, on my system the destination folder is c:\aeroglass\symbols. Once you have copied them across, reboot and the error should go away.



    Works. Thanks. :)

  4. There is currenly no symbols for 10532. But besides the error prompt after logon to Windows, it looks good for the Aero Glass effect. 


    I'm using 10240, but keep getting the error prompt anyway, although I updated the symbols (it said "PASSED + IGNORED files = 1" when I executed the bat file).


    But you're right about the functionality of Aero Glass: It still does work.

  5. Download Windows Software Development Kit. When installing choose “Debugging Tools for Windows” only. Depending on where you installed this change locations in this script, save it as BAT file and then run. Restart Aero Glass.

    C:cd %windir%\system32"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\symchk.exe" dwmcore.dll /s SRV*c:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\symchk.exe" udwm.dll /s SRV*c:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\symchk.exe" ApplicationFrame.dll /s SRV*c:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols


    Thank you. The batch file worked and it did download the symbols – though it didn't change anything about the error message which still continues to appear.


    get this after last windows 10 update


    version 1.4

    Download newest symbols for dwmcore.dll and uDWM.dll.



    After the latest Windows 10 update I'm getting the same message.


    I tried to resolve the issue by uninstalling Glass8 and installing it again in a different directory, but that didn't help.


    Is there any "how-to" or FAQ how to download and install the correct symbols or maybe even an easy way to do it, since the instructions I found said I'd have to install Windows SDK and much more which seems to be a little over the top for downloading a few files.

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