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Posts posted by HarriA

  1. I first installed SIB++ and then it worked perfectly. But I decided to give W10 start menu another go and disabled it for my user. Turns out, I couldn't tweak the original to my liking and so i re-enabled it. The problem is, ever since i did that, menu is empty as seen i n the picture here http://puu.sh/jjTa5/f3bcb8c90b.png. I can still pin items to start menu and they appear there but when i first installed the menu, it was already populated with programs and i would assume, it would add programs based on my usage of them. But now as mentioned, i can only make programs appear by pinning them. The Skype is pinned.

    Worth mentioning the other user using startisback has no issues of these kind

    I reinstalled it with no luck.

    Also, when reinstalling, i had to reinsert the licence key, even though i saved licence data when uninstalling

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