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Posts posted by AndyTHL

  1. Hello dear Programmer,

    thanks for your software, Windows 8 looks much nice with it.


    At this folder, in registry:


    I don't have entries.

    I was searching for setting Glass On, when battery mode is started.


    And there:

    HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM  isn't any entry which is called like this "DisableGlassOnBattery". :whistle: 



    If someone donates, does he get a full Version, without Pop-Up?

  2. Hello, 

    i found out now, that it has something to do, with the power connection...


    When i'm connected with cable... the headline of windows gets transparency, if i pull it out,,, its in grey or blue colour...


    Argh, but i didn't match where is the option to let this allways on.

    And how can it something have to do with windows power plan, if glass is not officially supported. :no:

  3. Hello, control panel)

    yesterday i have installed the Aero Glass, for the first time on my Computer(win8 x64).

    Everything was working fine, if i switched secured boot off..


    Later i uninstalled it and installed it again, to see options while installing...

    Than it was working again.... but it said, something at installing, that Aero Glas it is allready installed(even i uninstalled it before, from control panel).

    Than it ask me if i want to proceed installation process... and i said yes...


    After this aero glass was working, too.


    But today morning i started laptop, from hibernation mode... than was glass away. :huh:

    I started to reboot, looked in bios, cause secure boot... installed it new... but nothing helped, to get aero glass again. :no:


    Is it just for one day, if i haven't donated?

    I dont understand... that it don't will run again. :}

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