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Posts posted by blazer78

  1. You sir, are an absolute genius! Replaced the files as instructed (in safe mode) and I can now enable crossfire with 14.12 on Vista x64 :angel. Frame rates in games appear to reflect that it is indeed enabled.


    I was just wondering, would the same repacked files work with a future catalyst driver release? Or are they version specific?


    Many thanks for your time once again =)


    I get an error during installation of the driver saying "No driver installed, or your drivers are not functioning properly" after which I get an error saying that windows encountered an error whilst trying to install the drivers.


    It then asks me to reboot, and when I check CCC upon bootup, 14.12 is installed, but I cannot enable crossfire.

    What is the driver date in device manager? It should be late november for 13.12



    To be clear, are you updating CCC and the other components along with the driver?

    Did you have any poweprof.dll related errors?



    The driver date as reported is the 20th of November for 14.12.


    Yes, I did update CCC with the driver and yes, I get poweprof.dll errors on bootup along with the user32.dll errors. I suspect the powerprof.dll error is what prevents me from enabling crossfire?

  3. I get an error during installation of the driver saying "No driver installed, or your drivers are not functioning properly" after which I get an error saying that windows encountered an error whilst trying to install the drivers.


    It then asks me to reboot, and when I check CCC upon bootup, 14.12 is installed, but I cannot enable crossfire.

  4. Thanks for your work, I had read your article on toms and was able to successfully install the 14.11.2beta driver on vista x64 (albeit with the user32.dll error each time I boot windows).


    I have been unable to get 14.12 working properly on windows vista. Whilst it will manually install, I am unable to enable crossfire for my dual 6970's. Have you come across this problem / have any solutions for it?

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