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Posts posted by sunnyboymark

  1. Ok. This past July, with an older version of NLite, I joined my two Windows XP MCE CDs into one CD using NLite. In NLite, at the end, I chose to make an ISO. After I burned the ISO with Nero, the CD had these two files in it (in addition to all the other files):



    I downloaded and installed the newest NLite yesterday and made a new, single CD Windows XP MCE (to add some new tweaks, etc.), but after making the ISO with NLite and buring the ISO to CD with Nero, this CD does not have the two files (boot.bin and boot.catalog).

    Anyone know what these two files are for and why they're not in the new MCE CD I made? I followed the same exact procedures making this new CD as I did with the first one I made back in July. Only differences are I used the version of NLite that was out in July to make the first CD and used the latest version of NLite now, to make the new CD (and also added some of the new tweaks / options available in this new version of NLite).

    If i'm not mistaken, those files are boot files. They are what help your ISO/CD to be bootable from the CD/DVD rom Drive. As to why they're no longer available, your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps Nuhi has discovered a newer, better way of making bootable CD's and no longer needs those files? Or maybe they're just moved to another location.

  2. They are failed in the IE7 Final Integration as my IE7 RC1 still remain in the WinXP CD.

    Source : http://indiecom.net/dru/?q=nlite1_2_1

    THIS is where I believe you're problem is. IF you're using a CD Source which previously had IE7 RC1 integrated and you than attempted to integrate IE7 Final on top of that.....For the record...that doesn't work.

    Try a CLEAN unedited/unintegrated source and try again......

    Just my 2 cents...

  3. Here's something I've always wondered....

    Just as we can integrate IE7 into the Windows Source, wouldn't it be possible to simply integrate the WMP11 Final the same way? I know Booogy (or whatever he calls himself..lol) makes his WMP11 addon packs....but what I'm more interested in is direct integration of WMP11 into the Windows Source now that WMP11 has gone final. I just am VERY curious what would happen if I included the WMP11 .exe file in the list of updates/hotfixes section of nLite..... has anybody else ever even tried this? if so, what was the result?

    If this isn't possible ATM, I'm sure it wouldn't it be too much more difficult for Nuhi to make another small adjustment to include WMP11 in the source. Completely up to him and I won't complain either way......just letting everyone know I certainly wouldn't mind to see this possible...maybe in the next update of nlite.

    Thanks and have a good day/week. Happy Halloween!

    ><>Me<>< :)

  4. Ok I'm having the naming issue...it was planned to be named Veestah (Vista + Cheetah, don't laugh ;))

    but some people told me it's not that wise, what do you think, is 'nLite for Vista' better? Maybe shorter like 'nLite Vista'...hmm even makes sense.

    What about "VistaLite" or "LiteVista" or instead of nlite, change to"vLite"

  5. 15-20 mins?

    turn off your AV and try it again..

    At the moment I don't have any AV or Firewall installed...except Windows Firewall. Maybe I'll just reformat/reinstall windows from another source and try this all again. I don't know these weird things are happening to me with nlite, but I'm desperate for it to stop.......

  6. I don't need to slipstream anything because all my media has SP2 integrated into it already.

    Speaking of media......I thought I would test out the "bad media" theory to see if you were right and I was wrong. So I downloaded XPSP2 Home Edition from a torrent site and extracted the ISO and began the nlite process. When it got to component removal......same results: Disappeared after removing several items. Keep in mind this media didn't even come off of a CD. It was a downloaded/untouched ISO(to my knowledge) that I simply extracted and attempted to nLite. So perhaps my CD media is fine and something else is wrong. Actually, now that I think about it....the ISO I downloaded was a XPSP2 9 in 1 CD put out by a person or group known as xiso...or something like that. I extracted the Home Edition Retail Version from the root directory.

    Anyways, This is starting to get ridiculous (and a little frustrating)......no use attaching my last session.ini...there's not really any information there to help diagnose this particular problem

    Another side note: this may not have anything to do with nLite....but the Ryan VM Update Pack 2.1.0 takes 15-20 minutes to integrate. Note that his update pack is in 7-Zip format now. Before when it was in .Cab format, it would only take maybe 5 minutes or so. This is very annoying.......and I should probably bring this up on his forums because there's not much anyone here on the nLite boards can do, right?

  7. Alrighty...

    I'm back with the latest update regarding this error of the "disappearing nlite".

    This is what I did: Re-downloaded/checked ALL my addons. Un-installed/re-installed nLite AND .Net 2.0 cleanly.

    First try I only checked Hotfixes and Remove components. I sat and watched as all my addons integrated successfully(which seems to take 10-15 min). When it got to the removing components part, it started off ok. After removing a couple components......THAT's when nLite disappears/suddenly exits out.

    2nd try: I decide to check ONLY remove components and NOTHING else. It starts off alright....and than same as above. After removing a few components, its mysteriously closes out/vanishes into thin air.

    So.....I think I've narrowed it down to the remove components section. But its actually hard to tell where the error lies. Is one of my hotfixes causing the component removal to err and close out? Is there a component checked that it has trouble removing and so it "blue screens" and exits out? I guess I can't rule out the possibility that my original WindowsXPSP2 CD COULD be corrupt and everytime nLite copies it, there's a corruption somewhere(even though it copies over successfully). But I don't think its corrupt because that same CD worked just great with 1.0 Final and previous versions.

    Like I said.......hard to tell what the issue is. Its either a bug or my XPSP2 media is corrupted somehow....which I doubt. Its more likely a bug or one of those addons is corrupting the component removal. Don't know...hoping someone can tell me or advise me where to go from here.


  8. Alrighty people......I'm usually NOT one to complain about errors. but this particular one has happened to me twice already. I'll post my last session.ini in hopes someone can help me.

    Up until now, I've never had a single issue with Nlite. IF....IF i ran into any problems, they were usually my fault or my own doing....hence the topic description.

    But this time, things seem different. I'm trying to Nlite a untouched copy of WindowsXPSP2 Home Edition(SP2 integrated already). I check everything EXCEPT apply service pack....cuz its already integrated. I add my hotfixes, add my driver, remove my components, apply my tweaks&settings and its ready to do its own thing at the end.

    It starts off decompressing Ryan 2.1.0 Update Pack(i added this first on the hotfix list as someone else suggested) (in 7z format). I walk away thinking it'll go through its processes and I'll be back later to see if its done and create my ISO. I come back after 30-45 min to find that the nLite application has completely disappeared.....or exited out if you will. I certainly didn't do it. I walked away hoping it would do its thing.

    This is mind boggling to me and I hope perhaps someone else has ran into this or knows of the problem. Happened twice already and I used the exact same configurations, hotfixes, etc. Never happened before with 1.0 Final or previous.

    I don't want to blame nLite. It may not be nLite's fault. But I would like to say I sort of suspect the whole 7z format(7 zip). When I integrated the .Cab files, it goes great.

    Any help or light shed on this issue would be much appreciated.




  9. When i start the computer this files loads in: ytykm.exe ....

    Thats a virus/Trojan/ad/spyware/backdoor or all of the above. Anytime you find that you have a god-forbidden wacked out file name such as the one above.....you can be pretty sure its something nasty.

    I recommend 2 things:

    1) Get a better Anti-virus/firewall/antispy solution. Don't know how new or old your PC is, but ZoneAlarm Security Suite works well on older PC's. For faster/current PC's, try Mcafee or Maybe even Windows Live OneCare

    2) Even if you manage to remove all/most of the viruses/adware off your PC, I highly recommend a reformat/re-install of Windows just to be sure its truly gone. Yeah, its a pain cuz you have to re-configure your settings and re-install various programs....but would rather do that than be plagued by viruses and other malware.

    Just my 2 cents.


  10. Just out of pure curiousity, when using nLite...are you checking driver recompression(removes duplicate drivers and recompresses the .cab) just before nlite does "its thing" at the end? I never use that cuz I had an error once with an install after i did that. Decided not to do that next time and error went away. Like I said, I'm just an outsider speculating and trying to help.

    Also, the best possible scenario to get the best possible results is to use a WindowsXP Home/Pro *Untouched/Gold* CD/ISO and use nLite to slipstream SP2 only(and whatever addons). Or get your hands on a untouched copy of XP w/SP2 already integrated and do nLiting from there. This is what I do and usually get perfect ISO/CD every time.

    Just trying to help&simplify.


  11. Probably a LONG way off, but maybe its not too soon to start seeing Vista support? I suppose Vista should be mostly feature complete by now. Seems like a VERY complex system to try and work with though.

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