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Posts posted by vinceoconnor

  1. Is anyone aware of a way to remove the print button from the standard toolbar in word excel ppt olk etc in office 2kpro?

    I am effectivly trying to force people to go to file-->print and print from there.

    Also this is for about 200+ computers, if it is possible, can it be done via script for network deploy?


  2. well vmware, allows virtual file systems to be installed, and on those virtual file systems, you can add software. The down side is that you must install the OS to establish the windows file system before you can install any software. What i'm trying to do is just build the file system enough to support and properly run an application without running the entire OS.

    This whole thing might be just a pipe dream, but i thought I would ask arround before writing it off.

  3. I am trying to run windows based (win32) applications within Linux (ext3), and have had some very good luck so far. But everything that I have tried has needed to install the Windows OS to install the applications.

    Does anyone know of anything (not including WINE) that will allow me to install just the Windows based application w/o installing Windows on my FC3 box?

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