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Posts posted by megahjt

  1. Just to be clear, you cannot purchase this software.  You may be afforded certain privileges to access advanced features such as automatic symbol download if you donate a small sum to the author.  That's what many of us have done, and the donation-enhanced software does work with the latest update of Windows.


    Also keep in mind that there is a new version on the horizon.  I don't know for sure, but it may provide a better "try before you donate" experience than the current 1.2.5 version does.


    My advice to you is to read the last few dozen pages of this thread.  There have been a lot of questions like yours asked and answered.




    Thx for your reply!

  2. Hi, BM. Your software is not working correctly on my computer. I really want to purchase and use it. Can you fix the issue? Thanks.


    Debug Log:

    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x504:0xA3C] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x504:0xA3C] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x504:0xA3C] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x1B44:0x334] Donation key not loaded (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x1B44:0x334] Machine ID: LZ5TDDLVFFDMVL3TMTE4LBQRXZ2LQ5YBB6LOVLKIFLPYL4CI
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x1B44:0x334] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x1B44:0x334] Aero Glass for Win8.1 v1.2.5 x64 correctly loaded (C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll).
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x1B44:0x1AC4] dwmcore.dll version 6.3.9600.17200
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x1B44:0x1AC4] udwm.dll version 6.3.9600.17284
    [2014-10-27 17:53:22][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4
    [2014-10-27 17:53:29][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4
    [2014-10-27 17:53:30][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4
    [2014-10-27 17:53:30][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4
    [2014-10-27 17:53:30][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4
    [2014-10-27 17:53:30][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4
    [2014-10-27 17:53:31][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4
    [2014-10-27 17:53:31][0x1B44:0x1AC4] DWM incompatibility error 0x4


    How could I send my dwncore.dll to you?

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