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Phil K

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  1. TRUE FALSE, you can use a bootmanager - WITHOUT using the double boot features of standard NTLDR - to hide/unhide partitions and set/unset them bootable at startup. jaclaz Jaclaz - you give me hope, and i thank you for that. with me being slightly better than totally useless it may take me a while to suss it out from your link, but at least theres hope !
  2. I have just got a new AMD X2 4200 comp, and while I love all the bells and whistles, I yearn to play the old game "Z"....its followup Steel Soldiers was dreadful, and I dumped it. But Bitmap brothers refuse to make the original game playable for XP so I have not played the game for some years now. (The hurt never ends ! ) I have tried every way mentioned whether through "dosbox" or a Z that was supposed to have been done to work on XP out of the box as it where. None did. So, a last resort - is it at all possible to create a small partition, and put 98SE onto it, along with the original Z ? I have tried and it wont let me, as obviously, XP is far more recent. Is there a way ? Title edited -- Please, use [TAGS] in your topic's title. Follow new rules --Sonic
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