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Posts posted by guy15s

  1. Error Code: 0×80070490 ERROR_NOT_FOUND (lolwtf?)

    I've tried everything I can without having to pay Microsoft support. I downloaded the service pack installer straight from the Microsoft Download Center, I've run the little update readiness tool, and I've installed the Service Pack on a clean boot with AV disabled. The only thing I haven't tried is setting everything back to manufacturer's settings and trying to install the service pack from that point. I've found [this](http://beerpla.net/2011/05/06/how-to-fix-error_not_found-0x80070490-during-windows-7-sp1-installation/) which specifically covers my issue, but I can't find the error_not_found that I should be finding on step 2, no matter what phrases I use to find it.

    Other info: Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium, Norton AV (disabled), still in clean boot state upon the SFC scan.

    Sorry that I didn't do an intro topic. This is a problem for a work computer and I'm just about to leave for the day, so I just wanted to get this topic in as soon as possible. Thanks! :)

    Also, I did a system diagnosis with Norton and it says my hard drive is about to fail. Not sure if this might be causing the issue. I have the CBS log, if you want me to upload it. I just wanted to wait because I'm not sure if that has any sensitive information on it.

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