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Posts posted by bahamut0

  1. Hi everyone,

    I got a question about the Regional and Language Setting, after I apply the necessary tweak and patches from nlite and try it on VirtualPC, when I go into Regional and Language Setting - Advanced and try to change some language instead of English, It always ask me for the Windows XP CD, which if I didn't apply any tweaks and patches from nlite, it will copy directly from the HDD and not asking for the CD unless you say "No" at the dialog boxes.

    my question is what kind of step to tackle this question? and I use nlite 1.3 RC2 with junction on 0.99b, since when I do SP2 integration it gives me the same error as well, with 0.99b it didn't give me this error, strange enough of it.

    Thanks for helping., btw, do you guys need the last_setting.ini as a reference?

  2. for the first question i posted, it ends up i take out some of the hotfix that affects windows media player, and that annoying pop up would be gone when i install in a computer machine (not vmware or virtual pc, as it still gives me this error...don't know why

    for the nlite.inf, it seems like the windows installer cannot located the nlite.inf at the C:\Windows\inf location, which i don't know why nlite didn't copy it over there, i need to make a batch file just for copying the nlite.inf to these two location:

    cmdow @ /HID

    COPY "%systemdrive%\install\NLITE.INF" "%systemdrive%\windows\inf"

    COPY "%systemdrive%\install\NLITE.INF" "%systemdrive%\windows\system32"


    and the command line for nlite will work for it...hmm..it maybe more easier to extract the content out of nlite.in_ from the cd, but i don't know how to do the command line version of it, can someone help me for this modification?

    as for ryan pack, since my goal is to use the resources from the original as much as possible so that it would be easier to maintain and update, i know the switch is crazy if i don't use it, but once it work that just sits there with a batch file, and i don't need to touch it later on....unless it has a new version that totally crap the command switch that i used on the batch file.

  3. I try the others already, but it gives the same results even if the default themes that is pre-install for the windowsblind...which the language bar is skinned according to the readme....

    hmm...for the tutorial part, it maybe strange but stardock has the skinstudio on their package, but i cannot seems to find where to modify the language bar skin...

  4. Sorry for the late reply.

    Hmm..found out that if i install the windows media player hotfix from runonceex, then that annoying popup box won't appear on one disc, but appear on the second disc (which has exactly the same content....)

    Combination of 0.99b and 1.0rc3 for nlite is what i used to counter this problem...although the problem still exist...for some discs....

  5. Hi,

    I have a problem with the Regional and Language Option, the unattended cd that I make is fine on install windows xp sp2, but one thing that is really annoying is whenever i want to change the language at the advanced tab on the Regional and Language Options, it always ask me to insert Windows XP CD, in which the Language is already install on the computer. All I need to do is to point it back to C:\Windows\Font, and it will do the usual thing (restart as per say).

    But next time when I try to change another language (say, English) it ask me insert the Windows XP CD again (which the language is install by default).

    Its not a pain to insert the CD, but is there any possible way to fix this?

  6. Hi

    When I create my unattended cd, everything work except this annoying warning popup:


    so the first thought i have in mind is the update that I intergrated with the unattended cd, after i analyze the file, and removing the one that is updating the window media components, even if i did that, i still get this error pop up. What kind of suggestion you guys would suggest for tackle this problem?

    the other error, which i think i saw it before in this forum, is the nlite.inf error:


    even if i extract nlite.inf and put it inside i386 folder, delete nlite.in_, it still gives me this error...i have running out of idea on how to tackle this error anymore, can anyone suggest a solution?

    btw, since i mention nlite.inf, i use RC7 if anyone interested...oh, and i try the previous version and it still gives me the same thing...

  7. Hello

    hmm...i don't know if this is an error or question catagory, but its more likely this is an error. so i put the error icon at front, if its not, then i will modify it.

    My custin computer work fine until one day he cannot go into some particular sites, what i say particular site, is really a small amount of site (mostly is php forums), for example, xanga.com is one of the site that fall into the "cartigory". (hmm..do i spell this wrong?)

    Anyway, i will put the picture that my custin's Internet Explorer so that its easiler to explain things:


    as what you would see in the picture, the page only return some of the weird word, instead of the webpage itself, i test it with another computer my custin owned, it works fine with the other one. and i test it at my home and it works fine as well, so i am pretty sure is his computer has some problem on his internet explorer.

    the first thing that strike on my head is registy, but i got no idea where to look first, since it has way too many possibly in the registry entry...then i try to scan his registry to see if they have any invaild entry...at least for the start, but it throws out the windows error report saying this program is terminate...as usual for microsoft windows. now i got stuck on it. can anyone know what possible problem would be for this case?

    one more thing, i test it with firefox 1.5 and it works fine too. but they like internet explorer more the firefox...i know i know, firefox is somewhat better the internet explorer, but my custin still like old fashion internet explorer...so swaping to firefox is not an option as well.

  8. Hi, this is my first post here,

    I got 3 questions to ask, one of them i don't think is related at this forum topic, so i will post it in correct forum topic.

    The first question i ask is about ObjectBar, recently i install objectbar into my laptop, and using Mac OS X as the theme. everything was fine except that the language bar is missing at the objectbar. I can open the language bar at the taskbar (the original taskbar at the buttom of the screen). but its pretty annoying everytime i need to do that. except for using keyboard shortcut (Left Alt+Shift) to switch the language bar, can i simply add the lauguage bar to the objectbar itself? I search various resource on the net and none of them actually got an answer for this...or this is impossible to do it?

    second question is still about the language bar, but this time is the windowblind issue. when i install the windowblind 5.0 (or 4.0, it still do the same thing anyway), and install the vista theme that i found on the web, i realize that everything was skin, except the language bar is not skin. i.e. just a plain old skin from windows classic.


    p.s. if the image is too small i can make it bigger, just msg below.

    is it i need to set something for my computer (or windowblinds) in order to show the glass effect on the language bar (or transparent, if anybody got confusing on what i just say before)?

    (p.s. not just the vista theme, any of the theme that i download has the same problem of the language bar, everything was skin, but just the language bar is not skinned).

  9. I did dl the distribution pack for directx and extract it to the folder on

    and run this syntax on the RunOnceEx:
    REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\directx\dxsetup.exe /slient" /f

    but it has this error when i use this string:

    Invaild common line switch
    When i try to see what kind of switch on the package, i got the following:
    Invaild common line switch

    and I cannot just use the dxsetup.exe since it would restart the window and the rest of the program that i have after directx would not install after the window restart.

    what should I look for it in order to slient install the directx 9.0c into SP1 Windows XP? :(

  10. I want to ask if i want to put the directx 9.0c into the Windows XP Pro, (whichever is original, sp1 or sp2) unattended, I need to extract to the svcpack folder at (drive name):\(winxp pro folder)\i386\svcpack, then in the RunOnceEx.cmd, I add this:

    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Directx 9.0c" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\i386\svcpack\dxsetup.exe /silent" /f

    is it the correct syntax of the Previous code?

    Thanks for answering my questions

  11. Hello

    I have 2 updates for Windows XP Professional hotfix which i cannot find any recommand switches in the forum, I want to know which switch I use for those hotfix?

    These 2 Hotfixes are:

    1. KB832353: Windows Media Player (All Versions) for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 (Conjuction with KB828026)

    2. KB839643: Security Update for Windows XP: A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to cause DirectX, or applications using DirectX, to become unresponsive.

    Thanks for answering my question :)

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