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Posts posted by rshj

  1. my mystery solved! I had a problem of transparency/blur not working yesterday even though the dwmglass.dll was loading fine according to the log. It turns out to be related to DisableGlassOnBattery registry setting (what a timing that cmdshft posted his issue right after mine). it mysteriously (so it seemed) started to work for me because I plugged in power while I was posting my issue here last night. While cmdshft seemed to have ran the 32-bit installer on a 64-bit machine and the DisableGlassOnBattery ended up under "Wow6432Node" node, I ran the 64-bit installer, which didn't put DisableGlassOnBattery registry value anywhere. After manually setting the registry value and setting it to 0, aero glass now works consistently!

  2. It's the strangest thing: after I posted my message above, it all works now -- transparency, blurred background, etc. Only thing I did while posting the message was to enable logging, but after removing the loggin registry, it still works. Anyway, after setting CustomThemeAtlas registry key back to win8cp.png, I now get the shadow around the windows, white fuzz behind the title, etc., too. so, never mind... (apologies to anybody spent time reading it)

    Only thing that I'd still like help is on making the window corners rounded. Setting RoundRectRadius value to a number seems to round out the color layer above the window frame but the corners of the window frame behind it are still rectangular. Does anybody know how to make the windows corners themselves round?

    (Even without the rounded edge, this is great work, bigmuscle; I'll be making my donation, shortly)

  3. Hi, new to this forum... I have Windows 8.1 (x64) with the latest update. I downIoaded 1.2.1 installer and ran it. I also downloaded the 3 symbol files into C:\AeroGlass\symbols using the stand-alone debugger and gave "everyone" full permission on the directory. But everything looks the same -- no transparency, no 3D-ness, no shadow, etc.; it just looks like plain old Windows 8. From the log, it looks like dwmglass.dll is loading fine. Here's the last part of the log:

    [2014-04-20 17:44:37][0x6E8:0x6EC] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x6E8:0x6EC] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x6E8:0x6EC] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x2CC:0x93C] Donation key not loaded (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x2CC:0x93C] Machine ID: (my machine key here...)
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x2CC:0x93C] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1

    I tried installing the theme resource file as well as to remove it (also removed the registry key). I tried playing around with changing values for several registry keys like ColorizationColor and BlurDeviation but nothing seems to change. Only thing that seems to have any effect is RoundRectRadius -- if I change the radius to something big like 50, it rounds out the color on the corner of the windows, revealing transparent window frame behind it (but no blur though).

    What did I miss? any idea?


    I enabled logging by setting EnableLogging registry key, and below is the debug output. Again, it seems to be loading fine. any pointer would be greatly appreciated:

    [2014-04-20 17:44:37][0x6E8:0x6EC] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x6E8:0x6EC] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x6E8:0x6EC] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x2CC:0x93C] Donation key not loaded (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x2CC:0x93C] Machine ID: JV42ETLELUYTTL753PHDL2ZS4MYL3BIVZ6LZZPPY6L3CMAPA
    [2014-04-20 17:44:39][0x2CC:0x93C] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x6CC:0x6D0] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x6CC:0x6D0] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x6CC:0x6D0] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Donation key not loaded (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Machine ID: (my machine ID...)

    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Settings reloaded
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C4] Aero Glass for Win8.1 v1.2.1 correctly loaded.
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;C:\AeroGlass\symbols
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found
    [2014-04-20 18:41:26][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: dwmcore - private symbols
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x9C8] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x9C8] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x9C8] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x31A, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Loading settings (flags = 0x4) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Settings reloaded
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Atlas resource loading (custom: )
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x450] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x450] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x450] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x320, wparam = 1157627904, lparam = 1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Loading settings (flags = 0x2) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Settings reloaded
    [2014-04-20 18:41:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x15, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:28][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x1E, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x2B1, wparam = 5, lparam = 1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x46, wparam = 0, lparam = 140858030736
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x2E0, wparam = 7864440, lparam = 140858030752
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x1A, wparam = 0, lparam = 140858030776
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x1A, wparam = 0, lparam = 140858030776
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x320, wparam = 3350497078, lparam = 1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Loading settings (flags = 0x2) from HKEY 0x0000000000000290 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Settings reloaded
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x15, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x31B, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x31A, wparam = 22413314, lparam = 1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Loading settings (flags = 0x4) from HKEY 0x0000000000000290 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Settings reloaded
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Atlas resource loading (custom: )
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x31B, wparam = 22413314, lparam = 1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x450] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x450] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x450] GetThemeStream 0,0,213
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x320, wparam = 3350497078, lparam = 1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Loading settings (flags = 0x2) from HKEY 0x0000000000000290 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Settings reloaded
    [2014-04-20 18:41:32][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x15, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x1A, wparam = 24, lparam = 140858030776
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x320, wparam = 3350497078, lparam = 1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Loading settings (flags = 0x2) from HKEY 0x0000000000000290 for session #1
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Settings reloaded
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x15, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x7E, wparam = 32, lparam = 70780800
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x15, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:41:33][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x1A, wparam = 0, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:16][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:37][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:43][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:43][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:44][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:44][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:44][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:47][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:47][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:49][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:53][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:42:53][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:45:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0
    [2014-04-20 18:45:27][0x1AC:0x2C8] Message 0x219, wparam = 7, lparam = 0

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