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Posts posted by frankie90

  1. I wanted to make some changes, but local internet provider works like a s*** so at least I managed to make it work in old state. So new URL is http://www.glass8.eu and I will make additional changes when my internet connection works properly.


    Decided to check in this morning and woke up to this great news, thanks for your work man! Generated my new key without any problems. 


    Just an FYI for those of you running RAID systems - do NOT break and recreate your RAID arrays, unless you don't mind having to generate a new key. Doing so will change your machine ID, even with the same hard drives. 

  2. Just wanted to come back and say your work here is great @bigmuscle! Just switched to 1.2.5 from 1.2.1 after having an unrelated Windows malfunction that required a format, and I got it installed this time no problem!


    I am having a small issue with the key however. I broke down and recreated my RAID drives to try out a new stripe size since I was formatting anyways (still the same SSD's as before though), and now it is not detecting the key. Is this a normal, or am I doing something wrong here?


    I also tried to generate a new key but it seems the portion of the site to generate keys is down atm, no biggie, i'll try back tomorrow. 

  3. frankie90

    IF you used this regedit stuff

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]"LoadAppInit_DLLs"=dword:00000001"AppInit_DLLs"="C:\\AeroGlass\\DWMGlass.dll""RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs"=dword:00000000[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"BypassThemeSignature"=dword:00000001[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"BypassThemeSignature"=dword:00000001


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]"LoadAppInit_DLLs"=dword:00000000"AppInit_DLLs"="""RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs"=dword:00000000[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"BypassThemeSignature"=-[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"BypassThemeSignature"=-

    Okay, looks like it worked. This is my debug.txt now:

    [2014-04-17 15:20:37][0x9E4:0xB70] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-04-17 15:20:37][0x9E4:0xB70] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-04-17 15:20:37][0x9E4:0xB70] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-04-17 15:20:37][0xFF4:0xA04] Donation key loaded
    [2014-04-17 15:20:38][0xFF4:0xA04] Machine ID: X
    [2014-04-17 15:20:38][0xFF4:0xA04] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-17 15:21:56][0x544:0x548] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-04-17 15:21:56][0x544:0x548] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-04-17 15:21:56][0x544:0x548] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-04-17 15:21:56][0x390:0x420] Donation key loaded
    [2014-04-17 15:21:56][0x390:0x420] Machine ID: X
    [2014-04-17 15:21:56][0x390:0x420] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-17 15:27:34][0x594:0x598] Installing DWM hook...
    [2014-04-17 15:27:35][0x594:0x598] User: SYSTEM
    [2014-04-17 15:27:35][0x594:0x598] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
    [2014-04-17 15:27:35][0x390:0x580] Donation key loaded
    [2014-04-17 15:27:35][0x390:0x580] Machine ID: X
    [2014-04-17 15:27:35][0x390:0x580] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    Looks good?
  4. frankie90

    YES Revert all the stuff you did to install DWMGlass, and then downloads symbols to C:\AeroGlass, then run AeroHost installer, DON'T Install glass shiny atlas resource when using AeroHost installer.

    Copy that, thanks for the help. All I need to revert is the regedit stuff, right? And then delete all the stuff I added in the AeroGlass folder, but keep the symbols in there since I already did that...?

    EDIT: Beat me to it. Gonna try it now.

  5. frankie90

    The instructions you have followed are NOT to install AeroHost, you only use the symbols download part with AeroHost, regedit settings will not work with AeroHost.

    Read Post #1083


    Okay, I guess my next question will be if I need AeroHost to use Aero Glass it properly? And if so, to get AeroHost to run properly, what should I do from here? Revert all the stuff that I already did or just run the installer from here?

  6. Hey guys, first post here. Been looking at Aero Glass for awhile and finally gave it a try. Donated as well and got the key all loaded in, but I have the following in my debug.txt.

    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x39C] Donation key loaded
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x39C] Machine ID: X
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x39C] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x124] Could not connect to AeroHost (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x124] AeroHost timed out
    .[2014-04-17 13:22:29][0x398:0x39C] Could not connect to AeroHost (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-04-17 13:22:29][0x398:0x39C] AeroHost timed out


    I should mention that I followed @ace2's instructions for installing. Is this any cause for concern or is this okay? Thanks for your help.

    Which instructions did you follow ?

    These: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/163570-aero-glass-for-win81-rtm-rc3/?p=1058721

  7. Hey guys, first post here. Been looking at Aero Glass for awhile and finally gave it a try. Donated as well and got the key all loaded in, but I have the following in my debug.txt.

    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x39C] Donation key loaded
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x39C] Machine ID: X
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x39C] Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x124] Could not connect to AeroHost (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-04-17 13:18:58][0x398:0x124] AeroHost timed out
    .[2014-04-17 13:22:29][0x398:0x39C] Could not connect to AeroHost (2 - The system cannot find the file specified.)
    [2014-04-17 13:22:29][0x398:0x39C] AeroHost timed out


    I should mention that I followed @ace2's instructions for installing. Is this any cause for concern or is this okay? Thanks for your help.

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