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Posts posted by TheDufster

  1. Thanks for the speedy reply.

    I have followed the above instructions, but there is no entry "Administrator"









    Any clues?

    (note - i have followed similar instructions to these before, but I think that's when I ended up having the logon problem with not being able to logon.

  2. I have recently had a problem with my laptop which resulted in a clean install of Windows XP. So, I am currently rebuilding all of the settings and software on my laptop from scratch.

    For some reason the @ and " symbols are reversed according to what is printed on the keyboard. I assumed this was due to a regional setting, but I have checked in Control Panel and it is all set to UK.

    Anyone know what is causing this problem?

  3. I have recently had a problem with my laptop which resulted in a clean install of Windows XP. So, I am currently rebuilding all of the settings and software on my laptop from scratch.

    I used to have just one account on my old system (which was my name). As far as I know, this was the Administrator account. I used to click on my name at the beginning of windows when it was loading (it was the only one shown) and on my C:Drive there used to be a folder called C:\Documents & Settings\My Documents.

    What I have now are TWO user accounts. One called Administrator and one with My Name (I was prompted for a name when installing windows xp - It wouldn't let me leave it blank).

    I don't get a prompt when loading windows it just boots up as Administrator. Under C:\Documents & Settings there are two folders: the "Administrators Documents" and "MyName Documents".

    This whole thing is very confusing for me. I just want one user again - not two. I tried deleting the MyName user before but it then caused a problem on the logon screen where I used to get an error message about not being able to log on, before pressing ok and then logging on as Admin. I couldn't get around this problem so I did another clean install. I don't want to have to do it again.

    Can anyone help me here? Have I explained myself enough?


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