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Posts posted by markiij

  1. Working fine here on 8.1. Every now and then I do get a warning about the DMW at start-up, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong so I don't really know what's up with that.

    The way I installed it was simply removing it first, installing the 8.1 update 1 update and then reinstalling it again.


  2. New donation page works fine. Got my keys and finally got rid of the text. Still, I think it's stupid to act as if donors would only donate to support the project, instead of just wanting to have the text removed. If you would really want people to only donate to contribute to the development, you wouldn't have added such an annoying pop-up.

  3. Remember that you are donating to support the development and not to receive the unrestricted version.

    Why would you even care why people are donating? Money is money. Some people may want to help, some just want to get rid of the annoying pop up and watermark.For you there is no difference. Now it just feels like a way to get people to donate more than they normally would have.

    By the way, small chance but will you accept bitcoin payments?

  4. Dear developer. It all looks great on my PC except for the ugly text on my desktop. I have no problem contributing a few dollars but I haven't even found an option to do so on your website. Please tell me how to do it so I can get rid of the ugly text.


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