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Posts posted by DJShinigami

  1. Okay, i've basically been going through hell with my comp for the past couple of months so bare with me. Well, after my motherboard fried, i purchised a new Gigabyte AMD board with an Athlon XP 2600+ w/ new RAM. After getting my two new 40 gig hard drives installed and Win XP Home Edition running, i started getting various problems. Most of which i fixed but i still come up with one at the end of the mix. I install a video game, say C&C Generals or Battlefield 1942. Well, the CD Rom knows the disk is there and even installs the game as well as be able to explore it, but when the game is run, it asks for the correct CD ROM regardless of the program, both C&C and BF do this. Can anyone figure this one out for me? Also, if you can, i do have a secondary CD ROM that its not picking up. My system bios knows its there, but windows wont assign a drive letter or something to it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.


    The CD Rom it does detect is the secondary slave on the IDE. In fact, its older than the master (which doesnt make much sense to me why the new one isnt being detected in windows, I've never had it do this before)

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