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Posts posted by Nzyme

  1. Tihiy: I understand that this program does not work with Win 8.1 but can you please update this program to provide support for 8.1 as well? This is much wanted due to the low memory usage as Metro is not loaded in memory. Request you to please think about it. Is there a way to completely disable Metro so that Metro apps are not loaded in memory? Thanks!

  2. no, it still loads "Metro". Several parts are now "metro" (connect to network) and they don't work when you kill "metro".

    Ok thanks for confirming. I will use "Ex7forW8" then as it does not load Metro UI in memory.

  3. Tihiy: I was asked to visit this thread in response to a question on "Ex7forW8" from My Digital Life.

    Question: With StartIsBack, does Metro (Modern) UI not get loaded into memory thereby saving RAM? (Ex7forW8 could do this). I am looking for a way to completely get rid of Metro UI.


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