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Posts posted by -Fox-

  1. Hey guys! im back ;)

    Been working on this for ages now, very very far and nerly have it done, for those of you that have said it may be an online DB thats wrong. B)

    The data base its self actally comes with the exe, the data base of all the character names is compiled,encoded AND zipped into a .dll

    yeah i know, but it isn't that hard ^_^ lol. so far i have began to open the character names data base, there isn't enugh (to complicated) to insert new characters into the DB, so all you have to do is edit a character already on the DB (theres hundreds).

    thanks you all very much for your support, i havn't done it yet but very close, keep the info coming :thumbup

    Thanks for those screenies 2fast :thumbup

    Now off to find more info!

  2. Hi, I used the new program you suggested instead of the one i was using.... still had no luck in finding the character names. This is like the hardest thing ever, im not going to give up though :)

    If any one wonts to try it out and see how far you can get the site for the "MirLander" program is in my first post, or here is a direct link, http://www.sf58.com/mirlander2.0.zip

    Any more advise you can offer me for this?

    Thanks :D

  3. Hi im newish to programing and have been reading/studying for a few weeks now, i think im in the right forum to ask this ah well here goes......

    I downloaded an app/program named MirLander from www.mirlander.com

    Heres the thing, theres a list of characters inside that app and i need to get that list... so far its impossible, its just no were to be seen :angry:

    Iv Hex'ed used many programs such as W32Dasm etc to try and find the list of characters, but no luck. I knows its theres tho!!

    Would any one be able to help me out here please, all help would be very appreciated :D


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