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Posts posted by burly

  1. Hmmm... bloated so-called software, that is taking centuries just to beta test, and doesn't have one thing working correctly ever sense the first build. I wonder if the CR1 will have at least one non-bloated Application that runs without having your 3.0GHZ CPU and 1GB or RAM Usage at more than 20% while you Play a mp3 or simply just surf the net.

    LOL - you have to let your computer set there for an hour after a fresh install just to update the the new great idea that Microsoft calls a File System (WinFS). Can't image myself upgrading to "Longhorn".

    hmm how can you even moan about any problems in longhorn? just because you try out these crappy alpha builds doesnt give the right to talk from your a**. if you really think the rtm will be like this then you my friend are an id***

    and didnt they remove winfs from longhorn?

    What's really funny, anyone who has a working copy, will notice that there is a 3 page tweak guide to Longhorn. Without using the Tweak Guide - LongHorn is just that, A LongHorn in your a**!

    again you are an id***. its not even in beta yet? do you really think it will ship like this?

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