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Posts posted by bsymon

  1. I imagined what I suggest as an option, that you can enable or disable. If you want to use the desktop only, you can :)

    To answers to your questions :

    1 - I don't see what you can do an the desktop, except a right-click ... And I don't have any icons on my desktop, just the trash.

    So, is for that I suggest that, it's because I don't use my deskop at all and I want to use ModernUI, but with a start menu. For who want to do the same, it's could be a very usefull option.

    2 - I don't think that would look terrible, as you said, at last personaly. And for the translucency, I don't know of it's hard to implements :/

    3 - Why not completly disabled top and bottom left corners, they will be useless finally !

    Voila ! As I said, it's just some ideas I got, and it's can be improve. Tell me what you think of that :)

  2. Know what else SiB needs that Windows 7 had? Remember how you used to be able to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER while highlighting an item in the start menu or start menu search to run the application as an administrator? Well, personally I think that needs to be brought back as well.

    Actually, it works on StartIsBack+ ;)

  3. Hello ! Thank you for your really usefull and awesome StartIsBack :)

    It's help me to like Windows 8 ^^

    But, recently, I got some ideas, that I think can improve StartIsBack+, and make Start menu and ModernUI merge better.

    Here some screens I made : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/azbgn2xb56j7625/x72l0l-pMu

    In brief, make possible the displaying of desktop applications on the ModernUI interface. I think it's a good idea, and this can help the most recalcitrant user to go on Win8 !

    Thank you ;)

    (Sorry if my english is bad, I'm french ;) )

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