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Posts posted by Marlu

  1. Hi guys. Thanks for creating this awesome tool. However, when I created the USB boot for my Windows 8 and Windows 7 64 bit ISOs and boot it up on a laptop, it loads and allows me to select the distribution. However, when setup starts, it gives a command prompt of "X:\Windows\System32" and says "A winpesh.ini file is present, but no commands were successfully launched. This could be caused by incorrect formatting or an invalid executable name."

    I created this using the x64 executable and tried to run both the Windows 8 and Windows 7 distribution, but both came up with the same issue. Please advise? Thanks!


    I have the same problem as moujack888 did. I tried with different versions of Windows 7 x86 / x64 and Windows 8.1 x86 / x64 and everywhere I get the same problem.

    However the Windows XP installation worked fine for me (here I have a question on how to disable the automatic choosing of keyboard and location at the second part of the installation??)

    I'm attaching a log file from WinSetupFromUsb v1.0 if anyone can find the problem:


    In this test i only used a Windows XP image and Windows 7 x86 image.

    Thank you for any answer!

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