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Posts posted by mheffernan

  1. Thank you for the replies.

    Are the two of you saying that, contrary to the representations on the nLite site, Roxio's CDCreator cannot be used with nLite's .ISO file? Considering that I used the same app to make ERD CDs, I wonder about that. However, if I must get Nero, I will try it.

    RE: which forum, I was directed to this forum by the Help section on the nLite page; I am not sure this is a nLite problem, tho...


  2. Hi, all...

    I have carefully used nLite to create a bootable .ISO image using Win2k. Using CDCreator ver 7 , "make bootable CD" option using .ISO image. Doesn't work. When inserted in a PC with CD as first boot device, the workstation recognized the CD as bootable, mentions 1.44 floppy emulation and just stops.

    DIR on the the CD reveals both .BIN file and .ISO that I created with nLite. Previously, I have successfully created several bootable CDs with Winternals ERD for Windows Servers (a *great* product - saved *my* a**!)

    Anyhow, I'm following instructions I see posted to the letter; what am I missing?



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