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Posts posted by Allysandra

  1. Hi...I hope someone out there can help me....?

    I have a Sony Vaio with XP program...and a few days ago I spilled some coffee on the keyboard. It was just a bit, but enough to make the machine go haywire. I dried it out, and left it alone for about four days...

    I plugged it in tonight...and it works...well, almost. I could log into the main account with my password BUT not into the account that holds all my art and business stuff...why? Because the password has the letter "G" in it and apparently that letter is refusing to register. You press on it, but nothing comes up on the screen. The other password does not have a "G" and I was able to log in just fine. It looks like all the keys are in working order as is the computer.

    I need to get into my other account! It has all my business stuff in it...all I have to do is change the password to something that does not have a "G" in it...and then never type anything with a "G" again...just kidding...

    Any way to get in through my main account to change the password? Or should I just let it go and fix the hardware (which I will have to anyway) I just needed to get some files first before I send it off....unless...and/or does anyone have a clue as to how to fix this key? A "hardware" forum, maybe? Can you direct me there?

    Sorry if this sounds like I'm clueless....I am.... :blushing: Any information would be really appreciated as I am stranded in the middle of nowhere England and it is the middle of the night...and I need my computer...! :unsure:

    Thanks, Ally

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