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Posts posted by solution

  1. :thumbup Solution:

    1. Va dans proprièté, paramètres, et mets la qualité de la couleur en "moyenne".

    2. Va dans demarrer et clique avec le bouton droit de la souris sur les sims deux puis clique sur propriété. Va dans la partie racourci et la ou y a écrit cible il devrait y avoir quelque chose comme: "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSBin\Sims2.exe" après les guillemets fait un espace et écrit -w

    Voila c'est bon


    The following steps can be used to eliminate or minimize the issue(s) reported with the game:

    1. Set the display to 16-bit color. To make this change, follow these steps:

    a. Click on the Start menu and select Settings, Control Panel, and then double-click on Display. If using Microsoft Windows* XP: Click on the Start menu and select Control Panel, "Switch to Classic View" if the category view is shown, and then double-click on Display.

    b. Select the Settings tab.

    c. Change the Color Quality (Color Depth) to 16-bit color.

    2. Run the game with the -w switch which forces the game to run in a window. To add this switch, follow these steps:

    a. Right-click on the The Sims 2 game and left-click on Properties. You can do this either on the game's shortcut on the desktop or on the game's entry in the Start menu.

    b. Add a space and -w to the end of the Target field

    Note: The actual path may vary depending on where the game was installed. Make sure that the -w goes outside the quotation marks and that there is a space between the last quotation mark and the -w.

    c. Click OK.

  2. :thumbup Solution:

    1. Va dans proprièté, paramètres, et mets la qualité de la couleur en "moyenne".

    2. Va dans demarrer et clique avec le bouton droit de la souris sur les sims deux puis clique sur propriété. Va dans la partie racourci et la ou y a écrit cible il devrait y avoir quelque chose comme: "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSBin\Sims2.exe" après les guillemets fait un espace et écrit -w

    Voila c'est bon


    The following steps can be used to eliminate or minimize the issue(s) reported with the game:

    1. Set the display to 16-bit color. To make this change, follow these steps:

    a. Click on the Start menu and select Settings, Control Panel, and then double-click on Display. If using Microsoft Windows* XP: Click on the Start menu and select Control Panel, "Switch to Classic View" if the category view is shown, and then double-click on Display.

    b. Select the Settings tab.

    c. Change the Color Quality (Color Depth) to 16-bit color.

    2. Run the game with the -w switch which forces the game to run in a window. To add this switch, follow these steps:

    a. Right-click on the The Sims 2 game and left-click on Properties. You can do this either on the game's shortcut on the desktop or on the game's entry in the Start menu.

    b. Add a space and -w to the end of the Target field

    Note: The actual path may vary depending on where the game was installed. Make sure that the -w goes outside the quotation marks and that there is a space between the last quotation mark and the -w.

    c. Click OK.

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