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Posts posted by martindforsythe

  1. Hey all. I'm a newbie here, and might be asking really dumb questions, so bear with me please. Is it possible to build an XP pro 64bit machine with new components currently on the market? If so, I'd appreciate recommendations on what I would look for as far as compatibility and drivers and so forth. OK, if new stuff won't work with XP 64bit, any advice on where and what components to look for used? I am currently running an XP pro 32bit system I built back in 2007. 3 upgrades later it is still running, but the lack of ram is killing me. Last question, exactly how much ram does XP pro 64bit support? 64gig? Any other advice you can give, or questions I should be asking, feel free to chime in. I used to be on top of all this stuff several years back, but now, I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

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