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Posts posted by Biofeel


    Awesome! So, like you said on the website before, are you gonna remove the watermark when the GUI app is finished? I dont care about the nag screen, all i want is for the watermark to get the hell away from my desktop without donation, cause, after all this is a freeware. :)


    Well, the only thing that Aeroglass is not, is "freeware".


    It is not free as in "freedom", nor it is free as in "free beer".


    It is a crossbreed between "nagware".and "donationware", but at the end it is a "shareware" in the "nagware" form.


    There is nothing inherently "bad" in a "nagware", the tool is the result of Bigmuscle's work :), and he has all the rights in the world (plus one) to manage the distribution and donation, and amount of nagging and pretty much anything else related to his tool whichever way he sees fit :yes:, but let's call things with their name.




    Yes, exactly! This has been annoying for quite some time. There is excessive, and blatant even, misleading misuse of these terms of "donations" and "freeware." I understand BigMuscle wants to make money, fine, whatever, its his right to do so, and there's nothing wrong with that at all, but I can't really accept the way he exploits the word "donation". At it's core its nagware, and it's not really donations either, because the money is used for removing the nagging for the user. If the donation is truly for development, that's all it should be. Perhaps some added "perks", but restoring artificially limited functionality (removing the nagging) shouldn't be one of them.


    tl;dr Don't beat around the bush. Yes you want money, we're happy to give it to you, just stop calling things it's not.


    -Also this is coming from a paying customer, and I'm saying this out of love.




    Also unrelated note: The GUI app works so far with no problems. It's working great so far Bigmuscle.

  2. check debug.log, it should provide error code when reflection is not properly loaded

    P.S. I just found a bug that custom reflection won't load under some conditions and it will always use the default image

    What conditions are you talking about? Its not loading for me either, and I don't get any errors in debug.log

  3. Do you guys know of a way to recover from one of these disasters? Can I get into system recovery options and refresh my pc when it won't boot because of a black screen? Or do I have to get another drive and make a system image?


    --> if your computer won't boot up for some reason (glass failure), hold CTRL key during DWM loading and no procedure will be installed into memory

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