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Posts posted by leonl07

  1. There is no data that I want to recover from this HDD; a friend of mine gave me this hdd as bricked (for "playing" whith it). That's the reason I tried to see if I can revive the harddisk using the methods shown here for 7200 and to do some experiments on it. I might be totally crazy as Smandurlo said; however, except the fact that I had the errors I specified in my post, the harddisk responded to all commands with no errors.

    Indeed I do not have experience in repairing disks, but I had some free time and I said this is a good moment to start :w00t: .

    Sure, one must start somewhere :yes: .

    Anyway, read here WHY exactly you started your new experience with the wrong foot :ph34r: :



    (not that the good guys at hddguru are particularly friendly/easy with non-pro's, but from time to time you can get some useful info from there).

    Can someone shed some light on this?

    Just before the partition regeneration I tried power off & on the drive (detach the SATA cable, and re-attach it after 30s) - however the Hyperterminal program won't response after that. Pressing CTRL+Z does not bring back the session at all.

    How can I go about to solve this?


    Sometimes things simply "hang". :huh:

    Start again from scratch, including re-booting the PC (it could also depend on the OS you are running).

    Then, after having powered off the drive (possibly for sixty seconds and not thirty), see the recommended guide:


    At this point, many say you need to disconnect the SATA power cable from the drive and wait one minute. Yes, count to sixty. Then plug the SATA power cable back into the drive. There is a bit of debate about this step in the forums but that is what I did and it worked fine in my case. *IF and only if* you choose not to disconnect drive power temporarily, you need to at least change back to the test level prompt (type F3 1>/T (enter)) at this point before continuing.

    Now back in HyperTerminal, you'll need to hit CTRL-Z to get a fresh prompt

    but you can also try NOT powering it of BUT remember to change level or try closing the hyperterminal window a start a new session.


    jaclaz - many thanks for your prompt reply. Just managed to bring the HDD back to life!

    I have in fact spent around 5hrs today on this and the HyperTerminal just didn't response after power off/on. The solution to this was:

    1. Power off / on the HDD (removing SATA cable, and re-attach SATA cable)

    2. If the Hyperterminal is not responding, close down the program

    3. Remove the cable from PC

    4. Reconnect the cable to PC

    5. Launch Hylerterminal and connect to the device

    6. Press CTRL+Z

    7. Proceed with the last step, e.g. F3 T>m0,2,2,,,,,22 (enter)

    I have kept the HDD with power since step 1.

    Also thanks Phaenius @ post 4341 - I have basically repeat the procedure outlined in that post.

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