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Posts posted by goldi

  1. iv tried that and here is a screenshot of what I got after reboot:

    cmd window with mostly file not found error and then message window

    "Your DWM is incompatible with Aero Glass"

    "retry symbols downloading?"

    all i did is downloading the 7z, extract the dir to c:\ , and fired up regedit to change the 3 values mentioned

    Yes, same... Only the first "Prototype"-Version build a Glass-Effect.


  2. @ORelio: Big Thanks for this Programm.

    Can you include a regulator for window frame-width? In Win8 very big. (This is the Key: HCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics-"PaddedBorderWidth".) I change Data to "-15" to small Size, same Win7. ;)

    By Include a Key HCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM-"AnimationsShiftKey"=dword:00000001 you can show Windows-Animations (for example minimize) in Slow-Motion by holding the Shift-Key. ;)


    Sorry for my englisch.

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