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Posts posted by KeithPickering

  1. I have to say that I have a lot of issues with the way the licensing works. We're required to "donate" again if we upgrade our hardware? That's completely arbitrary and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    This is and always has been a great add-on for Windows 8, and I'm very grateful for the work that has gone into it, but with all due respect, it honestly doesn't do enough to warrant a ~$4 purchase every time I upgrade my computer. If bigmuscle is interested in some advice (unlikely), I recommend that he provide a free version completely devoid of naggy popups and obnoxious watermarks. I will gladly donate if this is done, but until then, I won't be bullied into giving somebody money in order to make a simple piece of software work as intended.

  2. What would Microsoft have to gain by making a third party aero glass solution incompatible with 8.1?

    Windows is, at its core, all about customization. I'm sure Microsoft would love for their OS to be as locked down as OSX, but there'd be quite an uproar if they started banning third party software.

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