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Posts posted by marcdw

  1. I personally was never an XP guy myself. It gave me so many issues that I just gave up on it. Windows 2000, however, always remains robust and flexible. The OS runs great, and I don't have to do as much maintainence as you would have to on XP. Windows 2000 is the most stable OS I've ever used, and nothing can disprove that. But Server 2003, along with XP, should also be kept alive. I might consider 2003 as an option for when 2000 breathes its last.

    I was a latecomer to Windows 2000. We had it at work but I didn't think to use it personally until the company got new machines

    and I took the old ones home. So I pretty much got started just before it went EOL. Besides all the experimenting and breaking things

    as a result it runs fast and lean compared to XP. Running most of the same apps though a a version or so behind, depending.

    Regarding 2003 I use that, sort of, in the form of its proof-of-concept sibling Windows XP x64 Edition. It gets more use than Win7 for

    sure on the same machine.

    I was kind of bummed that a few software titles I had wouldn't install. Their system requirements stated that they wouldn't work on

    server OSes and since XP x64 is NT 5.2 the installers probably did a version check.

    Still have 'til 2015 extended support for 2003 server which I reckon applies to me, too.

  2. Ach, regarding the GoodSync thing, the interface was jacked up because of uxtheme.dll. When that was gone it looked good again.

    And the whole not being able to sync is definitely unrelated to UURollup. Searching the web the almost exact error messages are seen

    with other programs like SyncBack and Wuala.

    But all the talk seems to point to filesystem stuff, i.e. you're using FAT but should be using NTFS, etc. My win2k partitions are definitely

    not FAT (well, I'm 99.9% sure).

    I wonder if restoring from images cause something strange to be reported. And I still don't know which way the error applies to - writing

    to my drive or writing to a destination (USB, NAS).

    But a quick test syncing to my NAS via FTP works. I just can't sync to via smb and flash. Guess I'll have to open a ticket with the

    GoodSync people or figure out something ('course I won't tell 'em I'm running Win2k) :-)

    BTW, in case anyone has any pointers the full error message is:

    Error locking folder: uploading lock file: The parameter is incorrect. (error 87)

  3. Howdy Mr tomasz86,

    Finally got back to the Win2k machine since May.

    Anyhind, I've been trying for several days now but I just can't reach your main site. Just seems to timeout.

    Regardless of machine, OS, or time of day. Is it really back up?

    Thinking that maybe this machine was finalized I decided to experiment once again and install the v11 June daily. Just to see.

    All went well and noticed no issues, except (and not sure if this is related) but I can no longer sync any data using GoodSync.

    Whether the data comes from flash drive, nas, external drive it fails trying to copy lock files or some such (error 87).

    It's mentioned in the GoodSync FAQ but I've never had issue one syncing data before.

    Also back in May after the v11 March or April UURolllup GoodSync lost some of its interface. No tabs, missing buttons. If it weren't for the

    tooltips and memorizing where the analyze/sync buttons are I wouldn't be able to do anything.

    When I revert back a step or two today I'll be able to confirm if it was the Rollups or something else that caused this.

    But this was all just for fun and curiosity. I heed your comments above and will await USP5 (and in the meantime revert my system

    back to when everything worked (with the exception of the old SQL junk).

    Regarding your change of focus to Windows XP I think that makes sense. WinXP, for me, is like the sweet spot as far as Win OSes

    is concerned. Keeping that alive as long as possible after it goes EOL would be great.

    I'm kind of backwards as I actually moved from Linux (my primary after Win 3.x ) to XP (in 2005 - I'm a late adopter). As more open source

    tools and apps, POSIX/Unix environments, development tools, etc. were made available on the OS I wound up spending more time

    there than on my beloved Slackware. 'Course now I have a PC farm of sorts running all kinds of stuff , including Win7, so they all get their fair amount of attention. :-)

    Okay, just "jaw jacking" right now. Will still try to reach your site if I can.


  4. Two More SQL Tests

    Test 1

    I thought I was done with this SQL thing but I thought there was some hope.

    After giving up on SQL and restoring the main image I installed UR2 and UURollup v11 w20130323.

    With v11 running I get the nvidia service temporary hang but in event viewer I noticed a number of errors

    regarding WMI and ASP.NET and .NET. I remembered that I had .NET 2.0 SP2 on hand so I installed

    that. It fixes the WMI errors.

    MSUpdate, after installing the initial .NET2, only offers updates to SP1. Anyway MSUpdate then offered

    patches to SP2 along with Rollup 1 (7.7MB).

    Also installed KB971111 (.NET GDIPLUS patch) which isn't offered.

    There's no SQL installed so I figured I start with the RTM (no service pack). Much to my surprise it did

    install with no certificate errors or exceptions. However, sqlserver runs at 99% CPU hogging everything.

    This also happened some months ago on another older machine I was testing before.

    Tried to use MSUpdate to go to SP3 but the cpu issue was dragging things along. I would periodically

    stop the service to give the install a boost but it still was taking forever. Decided to cancel the install which

    also took forever.

    Installed SP3 from archive instead but once again the server throws an exception.

    End test.

    Test 2 - and a new daily?

    With the RTM version of SQL not crashing I thought there was hope.

    This time I restored the image with the working SQL.

    Installed .NET2 SP2

    MSUpdate offers roots update

    Install Update Rollup 2 (SQL running great).

    Install SQL SP4 (no probs)

    MSUpdate offers roots again (seems to do that a lot)

    Install UURollup v10d (SQL certificate problem)

    Discovered that there was a new daily available, from April 27.

    Installed UURollup v11-d20130427

    On reboot I'd get to the logon screen and then error. Services.exe terminated unexpectedly. It reboots. Errors again.

    Safe Mode: Uninstall new 11 daily, reboot

    Install v11-d20130323 (sql exception, nvidia, MSUpdate broken).

    Fix MSUpdate (offered small Rollup 1 and roots)

    Safe Mode: Uninstall v11

    Safe Mode: Uninstall v10d

    Back to normal, SQL is running fine

    Safe Mode: Reinstall new v11 daily (in case something got missed)

    Boot is successful. Clear logs and reboot just to be sure.

    But same as before. SQL throws exception and temporary nvidia service hang.

    So there you have it. SQL is definitely, officially out.

    Regarding the new UURollup daily, I haven't seen any announcements or what the changes are.

    Comparing file dates the only diffs I see is with update.inf and update.ver. Everything else seems the same.


  5. Latest SQL Server 2005 Test

    To AnX: I don't think there's another version of MSSQL that I can try. Version 2000 isn't/wasn't available in an Express edition

    as far as I know.


    Starting from scratch this time.

    1) Installed Win2K, SP4, Rollup 1

    2) Installed IE6 and essentials (Windows Update Agent, MSI, BITS, and roots update v010)

    At this point MSUpdate worked great and I let it do all the patching and updating. Only non-MS addition was to fix

    timezone/DST stuff. Everything went smoothly.

    Full backup image done.

    3) Installed Visual Studio C++ 2005 Express with SQL Server. No problems or errors in Event Viewer.

    Though I have an archive of services packs and updates I let MS do it all so I know there's no user error.

    4) Service packs, patches, updates to .NET 2, VC++, SQL (SP3 offered).

    SP3 failed a few times 'til I found out my MDAC needed updating. After that the SQL update went fine.

    In between all this I kept checking and SQL ran without issue. Self-signed certificate was generated and used.

    I held out on updating the roots via MSUpdate until I was sure all was working. Updated roots and all was still good.

    Another image made.

    As a test I took the roots bits from Rollup2 and manually 'updroot'ed them as per inf files. Still all was good.

    5) Installed Update Rollup 2. SQL still working with no issues, errors, or warnings.

    6) Jumped straight to UURollup v11. SQL throws exception. MSUpdate stopped working. Something about

    wuaueng.dll version or database mismatch. Strange since far as I can tell that dll isn't part of the updates.

    7) Uninstalled v11. Went smoothly. SQL is working again.

    8) Installed UURollup v10d. SQL won't start due to certificate issue...

    "...server could not load the certificate it needs to initiate an SSL connection... [error 0x90090008]"

    9) Fixed MSUpdate by reinstalling BITS. Was offered up the roots update again.

    So, after all this I have learned what? Nada. Nichts. Still where I started.

    As mentioned before as a Joe User I really have no need for an SQL server but the fight to make it work has wasted

    a lot of days and nights.

    Wouldn't have it any other way. :D


  6. You should try a different version of SQL server to see if it works or not.

    Yeah. I can either try SQL Server 2000 (is it free?) or just go with SQL CE (doesn't run as service nor has all the

    features but then again I probably don't need much anyway).

    After my first round of failures I had installed SQL CE anyway.

    I doubt Server 2008 would run even with the unofficial updates (requires .NET 3.5, not sure what else).


  7. @tomasz86

    I don't really know what the problem with the SQL Server is.

    Yeah, neither do I at this point. I'm also not a programmer so making full sense of the dump is beyond me.

    First, a few points about UURollup v11

    1) Two versions of process explorer included. Nice. :thumbup

    2) Caused nvidia display driver service to temporarily hang at startup.

    3) May have been premature on saying v11 fixed ssl cert issue. It just may be throwing an exception before it even gets to that point.

    Anyway, so today I decided to mess around a bit. First I uninstalled Office 2003 so I can get MS Update working again.

    [Note to self - either install Office as the last thing I ever do or just fore-go it for Ashampoo/SoftMaker Office 2010 or 2012.

    2010 works fine on a stock win2k]

    MS Update offered me two patches for .NET and re-offered Rollup 1. :no:

    Back to SQL. I uninstalled v11 which caused win2k to reboot before logon prompt appears. Went into safemode and installed Rollup 2.

    After restart I installed v10d and went back to sql. So now we're back to the beginning of not being able to create ssl certificate.

    Just for the fun of it I decided to add bits and pieces of v11 to v10d to see what happens. With each addition I'd try and reinstall sql server.

    The copying of bits was done via a Linux rescue system. The following dlls were added to the system (system32 & dllcache)...

    user32 - no go (meaning the same ssl cert issue)

    crypt32, cryptui, wintrust - no go

    rsaenh - no go

    userenv - no go

    Following added just for the fun of it...

    cryptsXP, credui, wintruXP, xpsp#res files - no go

    Given that those files from v11 didn't change anything I then reinstalled all of v11. SQL Server throws an exception.

    Hmm, maybe it's the included uxtheme.dll I thought. Nope.

    This could be kernel related or anything for that matter.

    BTW, an almost identical exception error was found at MS when I was searching last week with a supposed fix being cumulative update 15

    for sql server 2005 sp3. Thing is I can't test that because sp3 itself won't finish installing and thus CU15 can't find any instance to update.

    I'm finished for this week. I'll resume testing next week on my next days off.


  8. @marcdw I'm suspecting that the problem may be caused by the broken user32.dll which is included in UURollup-v10d. Could you try to install the newest daily release of UURollup-v11 and see if it's fixed?

    Your dailies are 7zip files with no instructions on what to do with them. The latest daily I got is 20130323 so I downloaded a same-dated weekly (which actually has some files newer

    than in the daily.

    1) New splash screen caught me off guard :sneaky:

    2) Certificate issues fixed

    Alas, I'm still having problems. First there were a number of issues dealing with performance counters (fixed, I think).

    Then something to do with event ids 3409 and 8313 (forgot the details already) but that was fixed by having the Remote Registry service

    running (sadly).

    But the big issue is it's throwing an exception. I had sql service pack 4 and installed the latest cumulative update on top to see if anything

    would change.

    For good measure I completely removed all traces of sql and started a new install but install won't finish due to the exception.

    Event ID: 17311


    SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c0000005. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).

    The stack dump isn't too big. Here it is.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.00 Server Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.4035.00 (Intel X86)

    Nov 24 2008 13:01:59

    Copyright © 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation

    Express Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.09 Server © 2005 Microsoft Corporation.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.09 Server All rights reserved.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.09 Server Server process ID is 536.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.09 Server Authentication mode is MIXED.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.09 Server Logging SQL Server messages in file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG'.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.09 Server Registry startup parameters:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -d C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -e C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -l C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\mastlog.ldf

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server Command Line Startup Parameters:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -m SqlSetup

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server SqlSetup

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -Q

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -q SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -T 4022

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -T 3659

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -T 3610

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.29 Server -T 4010

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.36 Server SQL Server is starting at normal priority base (=7). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.36 Server Detected 1 CPUs. This is an informational message; no user action is required.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.65 Server Error: 17311, Severity: 16, State: 1.

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.65 Server SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c0000005. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.76 Server Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server **Dump thread - spid = 0, PSS = 0x00000000, EC = 0x00000000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server ***Stack Dump being sent to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump0005.txt

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server * *******************************************************************************

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server *

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server * BEGIN STACK DUMP:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server * 04/13/13 23:40:19 spid 0

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server *

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server * ex_handle_except encountered exception C0000005 - Server terminating

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server *

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server *

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server * MODULE BASE END SIZE

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server * sqlservr 01000000 02C1FFFF 01c20000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.80 Server * ntdll 77F80000 77FFEFFF 0007f000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * KERNEL32 7C570000 7C632FFF 000c3000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * MSVCR80 78130000 781CAFFF 0009b000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * msvcrt 70860000 70909FFF 000aa000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * MSVCP80 7C420000 7C4A6FFF 00087000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * ADVAPI32 7C2D0000 7C33CFFF 0006d000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * RPCRT4 77D30000 77DA0FFF 00071000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * sqlos 344D0000 344D4FFF 00005000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Secur32 7C340000 7C34DFFF 0000e000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * USERENV 7C0F0000 7C152FFF 00063000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * USER32 77E10000 77E71FFF 00062000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * GDI32 77F40000 77F7DFFF 0003e000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * WINMM 77570000 7759FFFF 00030000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * opends60 333E0000 333E6FFF 00007000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * NETAPI32 7CDC0000 7CE0FFFF 00050000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * NTDSAPI 77BF0000 77C00FFF 00011000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * DNSAPI 77980000 779A4FFF 00025000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * WSOCK32 75050000 75057FFF 00008000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * WS2_32 75030000 75044FFF 00015000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * WS2HELP 75020000 75027FFF 00008000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * WLDAP32 77950000 77978FFF 00029000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * NETRAP 751C0000 751C5FFF 00006000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * SAMLIB 75150000 7515FFFF 00010000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * IMM32 75DF0000 75E09FFF 0001a000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * psapi 690A0000 690AAFFF 0000b000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * instapi 48060000 48069FFF 0000a000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * sqlevn70 4F610000 4F7B8FFF 001a9000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * dbghelp 4BAC0000 4BBD4FFF 00115000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server *

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Edi: 0072DFE8: 000CA920 02470748 FFFFFFFF 00000010 00000000 00000000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Esi: 00000000:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Eax: 0072DECC: 000042AC 00000000 00000000 7C59BCB1 00000000 00000002

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Ebx: 0000003F:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Ecx: 0072E53C: 00000000 0001003F 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Edx: 0000003D:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Eip: 7C59BCB1: C2C95E5F 8B550010 1CEC83EC E4458D56 FF501C6A F6330875

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Ebp: 0072DF1C: 0072DF60 021AE96C 000042AC 00000000 00000000 00000000

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * SegCs: 0000001B:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * EFlags: 00000246:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Esp: 0072DEC4: 0072DFE8 00000000 000042AC 00000000 00000000 7C59BCB1

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * SegSs: 00000023:

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * *******************************************************************************

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server * Short Stack Dump

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server 7C59BCB1 Module(KERNEL32+0002BCB1)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server 021AE96C Module(sqlservr+011AE96C)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server 021B2880 Module(sqlservr+011B2880)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.81 Server 021B242D Module(sqlservr+011B242D)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.82 Server 02422669 Module(sqlservr+01422669)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.82 Server 7C59BFB0 Module(KERNEL32+0002BFB0)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.82 Server 7C57B3CF Module(KERNEL32+0000B3CF)

    2013-04-13 23:40:19.82 Server Stack Signature for the dump is 0xE9B5FDBC

    My goal is to be able to hfslip win2k and office 2003 (which seems to break Microsoft Update [Error number: 0x8024402F]) but not until I either

    get sqlserver working or just decide to dump it. Not like I really have a need for it. I like a challenge. :P


  9. It would be extremely important to know whether it was caused just by Update Rollup 2 or by UURollup

    First of all, could you tell me exactly which unofficial packages you've installed? You can just list their filenames.

    The only ones I used at that point were...



    ...in that order. Everything before that was official updates.

    You're right, I should've checked SQL Server after Rollup2.

    I'll either do a start over or try it out in VirtualBox first - something I should've been doing in the first place.

    Since I'm gonna start over anyway I might try to uninstall in reverse order just to see what happens though I'm pretty sure that won't work.

    BTW, would it be advantageous to use one of those uninstall/rollback-type utils to generate a before/after report?

    Granted it would be quite a list but I'm thinking this has something do with the crypt* files.

  10. SQL Server 2005 Express doesn't work with Rollup 2.

    If this topic has been covered somewhere please let me know. Been pulling out my hair on this one.

    Okay, I had Win2K Pro (non-server) on an old OptiPlex GX115 (PIII, 1GHz, 512MB, PCI graphics) I rescued from work a couple of years or so back and all was well.

    After rescuing another one (GX240, P4, 1.5GHz, 1GB, AGP) I decided I'd do a fresh install there but this time try out the unofficial updates.

    Tested two clean installs (USP5.1/Rollup2/UURollup v10d & SP4/Rollup1/Rollup2/UURollup). Went about installing the things I wanted and got around

    to Visual Studio C++ 2005 Express with SQL Server 2005 Express, it also installs .NET 2.0. Went fine sort of (msql would use a lot of cpu but otherwise...).

    After that I couldn't install any of the sql service packs. Each time the service would fail to start due to not being able to create a certificate. The install would fail and rollback.

    Not thinking it was related to the updates I was all over the web for days and weeks trying to figure out how to fix it.

    Trying all kinds of workarounds with certs, file/folder permissions, reg hacks, anything.

    I've had XP running on a GX260 (sort of sweet spot as everything ran so well). Before XP reaches EOL it was time to migrate that to something better and use the GX260 for

    win2k and end it there (P4, 2GHz, 2GB RAM, AGP).

    This time I installed SP4, Rollup 1, IE6 manually, and went through all the official updates from MS. Installed Visual Studio again followed by the sql server SP (jumped straight

    to SP3 but MS Update still kept showing it so I let it). No problems with installation or running. Followed it with SP4. Still good.

    Then I went and added Rollup2. Not sure if I followed up with UURollup right after or later but I lost SQL server again. The service wouldn't start due to not being able to

    create a certificate.

    Long-winded I know. :-)

    So my question is what part of Rollup 2 or UURollup is breaking the ssl/certs/security/etc and is there any way I can fix it? Is sql server a lost cause?



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